IO register space¶
8-bit space
¶ -
0x10a000: PDAEMON
[GT215:GF100] -
0x10a000: PDAEMON
write me
On GT215:GF119, PDAEMON uses the “classic” falcon addressing scheme: I[] space addresses are shifted left by 6 wrt the offsets in MMIO window - ie. I[0x12300] can be accessed through MMIO address 0x10a48c, and registers are usually 0x100 bytes apart in the I[] space and aliased over that 0x100-byte range to be easily accessible by MMIO. On GF119+, however, I[] addresses correspond directly to offsets in MMIO window - I[0x48c] can be accessed through MMIO 0x10a48c.
The following registers/register ranges exist on PDAEMON [first number is MMIO offset and I[] address on GF119+, second is I[] address on GT215:GF119]:
Host | Falcon | Present on | Name | Description |
0x000:0x400 | 0x00000:0x10000 | all | N/A | Falcon registers |
0x404 | 0x10100 | all | SUBENGINE_RESET_TIME | selects how long to keep parts in reset after SUBENGINE_RESET |
0x408 | 0x10200 | all | SUBENGINE_RESET_MASK | selects parts affected by SUBENGINE_RESET |
0x420 | 0x10800 | all | USER_BUSY - sets the | user-controlled busy flag |
0x424 | 0x10900 | v3- | ??? | [0/1/0] |
0x47c | 0x11f00 | all | CHSW_REQ | requests a channel switch |
0x484 | 0x12100 | all | ??? | [0/ff07/0] |
0x488 | 0x12200 | all | TOKEN_ALLOC | allocates a mutex token |
0x48c | 0x12300 | all | TOKEN_FREE | frees a mutex token |
0x490 | 0x12400 | all | CRC_DATA | the data to compute CRC of |
0x494 | 0x12500 | all | CRC_STATE | current CRC state |
0x4a0:0x4b0 | 0x12800:0x12c00 | all | FIFO_PUT | host to PDAEMON fifo head |
0x4b0:0x4c0 | 0x12c00:0x13000 | all | FIFO_GET | host to PDAEMON fifo tail |
0x4c0 | 0x13000 | all | FIFO_INTR | host to PDAEMON fifo interrupt status |
0x4c4 | 0x13100 | all | FIFO_INTR_EN | host to PDAEMON fifo interrupt enable |
0x4c8 | 0x13200 | all | RFIFO_PUT | PDAEMON to host fifo head |
0x4cc | 0x13300 | all | RFIFO_GET | PDAEMON to host fifo tail |
0x4d0 | 0x13400 | all | H2D | host to PDAEMON scratch reg |
0x4d4 | 0x13500 | all | H2D_INTR | host to PDAEMON scratch reg interrupt status |
0x4d8 | 0x13600 | all | H2D_INTR_EN | host to PDAEMON scratch reg interrupt enable |
0x4dc | 0x13700 | all | D2H | PDAEMON to host scratch reg |
0x4e0 | 0x13800 | all | TIMER_START | timer initial tick count |
0x4e4 | 0x13900 | all | TIMER_TIME | timer current remaining tick count |
0x4e8 | 0x13a00 | all | TIMER_CTRL | timer control |
0x4f0 | 0x13c00 | all | ??? | [0/f/0, 0/3f/0] |
0x4f8 | 0x13e00 | all | ??? | [0/11/0, 0/13/0] |
0x500 | 0x14000 | all | COUNTER_SIGNALS | idle signal status |
0x504+i*10 | 0x14100+i*0x400 | all | COUNTER_MASK | idle counter mask |
0x508+i*10 | 0x14200+i*0x400 | all | COUNTER_COUNT | idle counter state |
0x50c+i*10 | 0x14300+i*0x400 | all | COUNTER_MODE | idle counter mode |
0x580:0x5c0 | 0x16000:0x17000 | all | MUTEX_TOKEN | the current mutex tokens |
0x5d0:0x5e0 | 0x17400:0x17800 | all | DSCRATCH | scratch registers |
0x5f0 | 0x17c00 | all | ??? | [0/ffffffff/0] |
0x5f4 | 0x17d00 | all | THERM_BYTE_MASK | PTHERM register write byte mask |
0x600:0x640 | 0x18000:0x19000 | all | MEMIF | Memory interface |
0x680 | 0x1a000 | all | TIMER_INTR | timer interrupt status |
0x684 | 0x1a100 | all | TIMER_INTR_EN | timer interrupt enable |
0x688 | 0x1a200 | all | SUBINTR | second-level interrupt status |
0x68c | 0x1a300 | all | IREDIR_TRIGGER | PMC interrupt redirection trigger |
0x690 | 0x1a400 | all | IREDIR_STATUS | PMC interrupt redirection status |
0x694 | 0x1a500 | all | IREDIR_TIMEOUT | IREDIR_HOST_REQ timeout |
0x698 | 0x1a600 | all | IREDIR_ERR_DETAIL | IREDIR detailed error status |
0x69c | 0x1a700 | all | IREDIR_ERR_INTR | IREDIR error interrupt state |
0x6a0 | 0x1a800 | all | IREDIR_ERR_INTR_EN | IREDIR error interrupt enable |
0x6a4 | 0x1a900 | all | IREDIR_TIMEOUT_ENABLE | IREDIR_HOST_REQ timeout enable |
0x800:0xfe0 | 0x20000:0x40000 | v0-v2 | THERM | PTHERM registers |
0xfe0:0x1000 | - | v0-v2 | FALCON_HOST | Falcon host registers |
- | 0x10000:0x18000 | v3- | THERM | PTHERM registers |
reset doc
unknown v3+ regs at 0x430+
finish the list
The last 0x20 bytes of THERM range on GT215:GF119 aren’t accessible by the host, since they’re hidden by the overlapping falcon host-only control registers
The THERM range on GF119+ is not accessible at all by the host, since its base address is above the end of the MMIO window to falcon’s I[] space
Neither is a problem in practice, since the host can just access the same registers via the PTHERM range.