VP2/VP3/VP4 vµc ISA¶
- VP2/VP3/VP4 vµc ISA
- Introduction
- The delays
- The opcode format
- The code space and execution control
- The data space
- Instruction reference
- Data movement instructions: slct, mov
- Addition instructions: add, sub, subr, avgs, avgu
- Comparison instructions: setgt, setlt, seteq, setlep, setzero
- Clamping and sign extension instructions: clamplep, clamps, sext
- Division by 2 instruction: div2s
- Bit manipulation instructions: bset, bclr, btest
- Swapping reg halves: hswap
- Shift instructions: shl, shr, sar
- Bitwise instructions: and, or, xor, not
- Minmax instructions: min, max
- Predicate instructions: and, or, xor
- No operation: nop
- Long multiplication instructions: lmulu, lmuls
- Long arithmetic unary instructions: lsrr, ladd, lsar, ldivu
- Control flow instructions: bra, call, ret
- Memory access instructions: ld, st
- The scratch special registers
- The $stat special register
- The watchdog counter
- Misc special registers
This file deals with description of the ISA used by the vµc microprocessor, which is described in vdec/vuc/intro.txt.
The microprocessor registers, instructions and memory spaces are mostly 16-bit oriented. There are 3 ISA register files:
- $r0-$r15, 16-bit general-purpose registers, for arithmetic and addressing
- $r0: read-only and hardwired to 0
- $r1-$r15: read/write
- $p0-$p15, 1-bit predicate registers, for conditional execution
- $p0: read/write
- $p1: read only and hardwired to !$p0
- $p2-$p14: read/write
- $p15: read-only and hardwired to 1
- $sr0-$sr63, 16-bit special registers
- $sr0/$asel: A neighbour read selection [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr1/$bsel: B neighbour read selection [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr2/$spidx: [sub]partition selection [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr3/$baddr: B neighbour read address [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr3/$absel: A and B neighbour selection [VP3+ only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr4/$h2v: host to vµc scratch register [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr5/$v2h: vµc to host scratch register [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr6/$stat: a control/status register [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr7/$parm: video parameters [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr8/$pc: program counter [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr9/$cspos: call stack position [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr10/$cstop: call stack top [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr11/$rpitab: RPI lut pointer [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr12/$lhi: long arithmetic high word [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr13/$llo: long arithmetic low word [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr14/$pred: alias of $p register file [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr15/$icnt: cycle counter [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- $sr16/$mvxl0: motion vector L0 X component [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr17/$mvyl0: motion vector L0 Y component [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr18/$mvxl1: motion vector L1 X component [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr19/$mvyl1: motion vector L1 Y component [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr20/$refl0: L0 refidx [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr21/$refl1: L1 refidx [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr22/$rpil0: L0 RPI [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr23/$rpil1: L1 RPI [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr24/$mbflags: macroblock flags [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr25/$qpy: luma quantiser and intra chroma pred mode [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr26/$qpc: chroma quantisers [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr27/$mbpart: macroblock partitioning schema [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr28/$mbxy: macroblock X and Y position [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr29/$mbaddr: macroblock address [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr30/$mbtype: macroblock type [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr31/$submbtype: submacroblock types [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr31/???: ??? [XXX] [VP3+ only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr32/$amvxl0: A neighbour’s $mvxl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr33/$amvyl0: A neighbour’s $mvyl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr34/$amvxl1: A neighbour’s $mvxl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr35/$amvyl1: A neighbour’s $mvyl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr36/$arefl0: A neighbour’s $refl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr37/$arefl1: A neighbour’s $refl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr38/$arpil0: A neighbour’s $rpil0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr39/$arpil1: A neighbour’s $rpil1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr40/$ambflags: A neighbour’s $mbflags [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr41/$aqpy: A neighbour’s $qpy [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr42/$aqpc: A neighbour’s $qpc [VP2 only] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr48/$bmvxl0: B neighbour’s $mvxl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr49/$bmvyl0: B neighbour’s $mvyl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr50/$bmvxl1: B neighbour’s $mvxl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr51/$bmvyl1: B neighbour’s $mvyl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr52/$brefl0: B neighbour’s $refl0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr53/$brefl1: B neighbour’s $refl1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr54/$brpil0: B neighbour’s $rpil0 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr55/$brpil1: B neighbour’s $rpil1 [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr56/$bmbflags: B neighbour’s $mbflags [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr57/$bqpy: B neighbour’s $qpy [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- $sr58/$bqpc: B neighbour’s $qpc [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
There are 7 address spaces the vµc can access:
- D[] - user data [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- PWT[] - pred weight table data, read-only. This space is filled when a packet of type 4 is read from the MBRING. Byte-addressed, 0x200 bytes long, loads are in byte units.
- VP[] - VPRING output data, write-only. Data stored here will be written to VPRING_DEBLOCK and VPRING_CTRL when corresponding commands are invoked. Byte-addressed, 0x400 bytes long. Stores are in byte or word units depending on the address.
- MVSI[] - MVSURF input data [read-only] [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- MVSO[] - MVSURF output data [write-only] [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- B6[] - io address space? [XXX]
- B7[] - io address space? [XXX]
The vµc code resides in the code space, separate from the above spaces. The code space is a dedicated SRAM of 0x800 instruction words. An instruction word consists of 40 bits on VP2, 30 bits on VP3.
The delays¶
The vµc lacks interlocks - on every cycle when vµc microcprocessor is active and not sleeping/waiting, one instruction begins execution. Most instructions finish in one cycle. However, when an instruction takes more than one cycle to finish, vµc will continue to fetch and execute subsequent instructions even if they have dependencies on the current instruction - it is thus required to manually insert nops in the code or schedule instructions to avoid such situations.
An X-cycle instruction happens in three phases:
- cycle 0: source read - the inputs to the instruction are gathered
- cycles 0..(X-1): result computation -
- cycle X: destination writeout - the results are stored into the destination registers
For example, add $r1 $r2 $r3 is a 1-cycle instruction. On cycle 0, the sources are read and the result is computed. On cycle 1, in parallel with executing the next instruction, the result is written out to $r1.
The extra cycle for destination writeout means that, in general, it’s required to have at least 1 unrelated instruction between writing a register and reading it. However, vµc implements store-to-load forwarding for some common cases - the result value, which is already known on cycle (X-1), is transferred directly into the next instruction, if there’s a match betwen the next instruction’s source register index and current instruction’s destination register index. Store-to-load forwarding happens in the following situations:
- all $r register reads and writes
- all $p register reads and writes, except by accessing them through $pred special register
- $lhi/$llo register reads and writes done implicitely by long arithmetic instructions
Store-to-load forwarding does NOT happen in the following situations:
- $sr register reads and writes
- Example 1:
- ::
- add $r1 $r2 $r3 add $r4 $r1 $r5
No delay needed, store-to-load forwarding happens:
- cycle 0: $r2 and $r3 read, $r2+$r3 computed
- cycle 1: $r5 read, previous result read due to l-t-s forwarding match for $r1, prev+$r5 computed, previous result written to $r1
- cycle 2: next instruction begins execution, insn 1 result written to $r5
- Example 2 [missing delay]:
- ::
- add $mvxl0 $r2 $r3 add $r4 $mvxl0 $r5
Delay needed, but not supplied - store-to-load forwarding doesn’t happen and old value is read:
- cycle 0: $r2 and $r3 read, $r2+$r3 computed
- cycle 1: $mvxl0 and $r5 read, $mvxl0+$r5 computed, previous result written to $mvxl0
- cycle 2: next instruction begins execution, insn 1 result written to $r5
Code is equivalent to:
$r4 = $mvxl0 + $r5; $mvxl0 = $r2 + $r3;
- Example 3 [proper delay]:
- ::
- add $mvxl0 $r2 $r3 nop add $r4 $mvxl0 $r5
Delay needed and supplied:
- cycle 0: $r2 and $r3 read, $r2+$r3 computed
- cycle 1: nop executes, previous result written to $mvxl0
- cycle 2: new $mvxl0 and $r5 read, $mvxl0+$r5 computed
- cycle 3: next instruction begins execution, insn 2 result written to $r5
Code is equivalent to:
$mvxl0 = $r2 + $r3; $r4 = $mvxl0 + $r5;
Since long-running instructions use execution units during their execution, it’s usually forbidden to launch other instructions using the same execution units until the first instruction is finished. When such execution unit conflict happens, the old instruction is aborted.
It is possible that two instructions with different write delays will try to perform a register write in the same cycle (e.g. ld-nop-mov sequence). If the write destinations are different, both writes will happen as expected. If the write destinations are the same, destination carries the value of the last write.
The branch instructions take two cycles to finish - the instruction after the jump [the delay slot] is executed regardless of whether the jump is taken or not.
The opcode format¶
The opcode bits are:
- 0-4: opcode selection [OP]
- 5-6, base opcodes: predicate output mode [POM]
- 00: $p &= predicate output
- 01: $p |= predicate output
- 10: $p = predicate output
- 11: predicate output discarded
- 7, base opcodes: predicate output negation flag [PON]
- 5-7, special opcodes: special opcode class selection [OC]
- 000: control flow
- 001: io control
- 010: predicate manipulation
- 100: load/store
- 101: multiplication
- 8-11: source 1 [SRC1]
- 12-15: source 2 [SRC2]
- 16-19: destionation [DST]
- 8-18: branch target [BTARG]
- 20-23: predicate [PRED]
- 24-25: extra bits for immediate and $sr [EXT]
- 26: opcode type 0 [OT0]
- 27: source 2 immediate flag [IMMF]
- 28: opcode type 1 [OT1]
- 29: predicate enable flag [PE]
- 30-32: relative branch predicate [RBP] - VP2 only
- 33: relative branch predicate negation flag [RBN] - VP2 only
- 34-39: relative branch target [RBT] - VP2 only
On VP2, a single instruction word holds two instruction slots - the normal instruction slot in bits 0-29, and the relative branch instruction slot in bits 30-39. When the instruction is executed, both instruction slots are executed simultanously and independently.
The relative branch slot can hold only one type of instruction, which is the relative branch. The main slot can hold all other types of instructions. It’s possible to encode two different jumps in one opcode by utilising both the branch slot and the main instruction slot for a branch. The branch will take place if any of the two branch conditions match. If both branch conditions match, the actual branch executed is the one in the main slot.
On VP3+, the relative branch slot no longer exists, and the main slot makes up the whole instruction word.
There are two major types of opcodes that can be stored in the main slot: base opcodes and special opcodes. The type of instruction in the main slot is determined by OT0 and OT1 bits:
- OT0 = 0, OT1 = 0: base opcode, $r destination, $r source 1
- OT0 = 1, OT1 = 0: base opcode, $r destination, $sr source 1
- OT0 = 0, OT1 = 1: base opcode, $sr destination, $r source 1
- OT0 = 1, OT1 = 1: special opcode
For base opcodes, the OP bits determine the final opcode:
- 00000: slct [slct form] select
- 00001: mov [mov form] move
- 00100: add [binary form] add
- 00101: sub [binary form] substract
- 00110: subr [binary form] substract reverse [VP2 only]
- 00110: avgs [binary form] average signed [VP3+ only]
- 00111: avgu [binary form] average unsigned [VP3+ only]
- 01000: setgt [set form] set if greater than
- 01001: setlt [set form] set if less than
- 01010: seteq [set form] set if equal to
- 01011: setlep [set form] set if less or equal and positive
- 01100: clamplep [binary form] clamp to less or equal and positive
- 01101: clamps [binary form] clamp signed
- 01110: sext [binary form] sign extension
- 01111: setzero [set form] set if both zero [VP2 only]
- 01111: div2s [unary form] divide by 2 signed [VP3+ only]
- 10000: bset [binary form] bit set
- 10001: bclr [binary form] bit clear
- 10010: btest [set form] bit test
- 10100: hswap [unary form] swap reg halves
- 10101: shl [binary form] shift left
- 10110: shr [binary form] shift right
- 10111: sar [binary form] shift arithmetic right
- 11000: and [binary form] bitwise and
- 11001: or [binary form] bitwise or
- 11010: xor [binary form] bitwise xor
- 11011: not [unary form] bitwise not
- 11100: lut [binary form] video LUT lookup
- 11101: min [binary form] minimum [VP3+ only]
- 11110: max [binary form] maximum [VP3+ only]
For special opcodes, the OC bits determine the opcode class, and OP bits further determine the opcode inside that class. The classes and opcodes are:
- OC 000: control flow
- 00000: bra [branch form] branch
- 00010: call [branch form] call
- 00011: ret [simple form] return
- 00100: sleep [simple form] sleep
- 00101: wstc [immediate form] wait for status bit clear
- 00110: wsts [immediate form] wait for status bit set
- OC 001: io control
- 00000: clicnt [simple form] clear instruction counter
- 00001: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 00010: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 00011: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 00100: mbiread [simple form] macroblock input read
- 00101: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 00110: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 01000: mbinext [simple form] macroblock input next
- 01001: mvsread [simple form] MVSURF read
- 01010: mvswrite [simple form] MVSURF write
- 01011: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- 01100: ??? [XXX] [simple form]
- OC 010: predicate manipulation
- xxx00: and [predicate form] and
- xxx01: or [predicate form] or
- xxx10: xor [predicate form] xor
- xxx11: nop [simple form] no operation
- OC 100: load/store
- xxxx0: st [store form] store
- xxxx1: ld [load form] load
- OC 101: long arithmetic
- 00000: lmulu [long binary form] long multiply unsigned
- 00001: lmuls [long binary form] long multiply signed
- 00010: lsrr [long unary form] long shift right with round
- 00100: ladd [long unary form] long add [VP3+ only]
- 01000: lsar [long unary form] long shift right arithmetic [VP3+ only]
- 01100: ldivu [long unary form] long divide unsigned [VP4 only]
All main slot opcodes can be predicated by an arbitrary $p register. The PE bit enables predication. If PE bit is 1, the main slot instruction will only have an effect if the $p register selected by PRED field has value 1. Note that PE bit also has an effect on instruction format - longer immediates are allowed, and the predicate destination field changes.
Note that, for some formats, opcode fields may be used for multiple purposes. For example, mov instruction with PE=1 and IMMF=1 uses PRED bitfield both as the predicate selector and as the middle part of the immediate operand. Such formats should be avoided unless it can be somehow guaranteed that the value in the field will fit all purposes it’s used for.
The base opcodes have the following operands:
- binary form: pdst, dst, src1, src2
- unary form: pdst, dst, src1
- set form: pdst, src1, src2
- slct form: pdst, dst, pred, src1, src2
- mov form: pdst, dst, lsrc
The operands and their encodings are:
pdst: predicate destination - this operand is special, as it can be used in several modes. First, the instruction generates a boolean predicate result. Then, if PON bit is set, this output is negated. Finally, it is stored to a $p register in one of 4 modes:
- POM = 00: $p &= output
- POM = 01: $p |= output
- POM = 10: $p = output
- POM = 11: output is discarded
The $p output register is:
- PE = 0: $p register selected by PRED field
- PE = 1: $p register selected by DST field
dst: main destination
- OT0 = 1 or OT1 = 0: $r register selected by DST field
- OT0 = 0 and OT1 = 1: $sr register selected by DST [low bits] and EXT [high bits] fields
pred - predicate source
- all cases: $p register selected by PRED field
src1: first source
- OT0 = 0 or OT1 = 1: $r register selected by SRC1 field,
- OT0 = 1 and OT1 = 0: $sr register selected by SRC1 [low bits] and EXT [high bits] fields.
src2: second source
- IMMF = 0: $r register selected by SRC2 field
- IMMF = 1 and OT0 = OT1:. zero-extended 6-bit immediate value stored in SRC2 [low bits] and EXT [high bits] fields.
- IMMF = 1 and OT0 != OT1: zero-extended 4-bit immediate value stored in SRC2 field.
lsrc: long source
- IMMF = 0: $r register selected by SRC2 field
- IMMF = 1 and OT1 = 0:. zero-extended 14-bit immediate value stored in SRC1 [low bits], SRC2 [low middle bits], PRED [high middle bits] and EXT [high bits] fields.
- IMMF = 1 and OT1 = 1:. zero-extended 12-bit immediate value stored in SRC1 [low bits], SRC2 [middle bits] and PRED [high bits] fields
The special opcodes have the following operands:
- simple form: [none]
- immediate form: imm4
- branch form: btarg
- predicate form: spdst, psrc1, psrc2
- store form: space[dst + src1 * 2], src2 [if IMMF is 0]
- store form: space[src1 + stoff], src2 [if IMMF is 1]
- load form: dst, space[src1 + ldoff] [if IMMF is 0]
- load form: dst, space[src1 + src2] [if IMMF is 1]
- long binary form: src1, src2
- long unary form: src2
The operands and their encodings are:
- src1, src2, dst: like for base opcodes
- imm4: 4-bit immediate
- all cases: 4-bit immediate stored in SRC2 field
- btarg: code address
- all cases: 11-bit immediate stored in BTARG field
- spdst: predicate destination
- PE = 0: $p register selected by PRED field
- PE = 1: $p register selected by DST field
- psrc1: predicate source 1, optionally negated
- all cases: $p register selected by SRC1 field, negated if bit 3 of OP field is set
- psrc2: predicate source 2, optionally negated
- all cases: $p register selected by SRC2 field, negated if bit 2 of OP field is set
- space: memory space selection, OP field bits 1-4:
- 0000: D[]
- 0001: PWT[] - ld only
- 0010: VP[] - st only
- 0100: MVSI[] - ld only
- 0101: MVSO[] - st only
- 0110: B6[]
- 0111: B7[]
- stoff: store offset
- PE = 0: 10-bit zero-extended immediate stored in DST [low bits], PRED [middle bits] and EXT [high bits] fields
- PE = 1: 6-bit zero-extended immediate stored in DST [low bits] and EXT [high bits] fields
- ldoff: load offset
- PE = 0: 10-bit zero-extended immediate stored in SRC2 [low bits], PRED [middle bits] and EXT [high bits] fields
- PE = 1: 6-bit zero-extended immediate stored in SRC2 [low bits] and EXT [high bits] fields
The code space and execution control¶
The vµc executes instructions from dedicated code SRAM. The code SRAM is made of 0x800 cells, with each cell holding one opcode. Thus, a cell is 40 bits wide on VP2, 30 bits wide on VP3+. The code space is addressed in opcode units, with addresses 0-0x7ff. The only way to access the code space other than via executing instructions from it is through the code port:
BAR0 0x103288 / XLMI 0x0a200: CODE_CONTROL [VP2] BAR0 0x085440 / I[0x11000]: CODE_CONTROL [VP3+]
bits 0-10: ADDR, cell address to access by CODE_WINDOW bit 16: STATE, code execution control: 0 - code is being executed,
CODE_WINDOW doesn’t work, 1 - microprocessor is halted, CODE_WINDOW is enabled
BAR0 0x10328c / XLMI 0x0a300: CODE_WINDOW [VP2] BAR0 0x085444 / I[0x11100]: CODE_WINDOW [VP3+]
Accesses the code space - see below
On VP3+, reading or writing the CODE_WINDOW register will cause a read/write of the code space cell selected by ADDR, with the cell value taken from / appearing at bits 0-29 of CODE_WINDOW. ADDR is auto-incremented by 1 with each access.
On VP2, since code space cells are 40 bits long, accessing a cell requires two accesses to CODE_WINDOW. The cell is divided into 32-bit low part and 8-bit high part. There is an invisible 1-bit flipflop that selects whether the high part or the low part will be accessed next. The low part is accessed first, then the high part. Writing CODE_CONTROL will reset the flipflop to the low part. Accessing CODE_WINDOW with the flipflop set to the low part will access the low part, then switch the flipflop to the high part. Accessing CODE_WINDOW with the flipflop set to the high part will access the high part [through bits 0-7 of CODE_WINDOW], switch the flipflop to the low part, and auto-increment ADDR by 1. In addition, writes through CODE_WINDOW are buffered - writing the low part writes a shadow register, writing the high part assembles it with the current shadow register value and writes the concatenated result to the code space.
The STATE bit is used to control vµc execution. This bit is set to 1 when the vµc is reset. When this bit is changed from 1 to 0, the vµc starts executing instructions starting from code address 0. When this bit is changed from 1 to 0, the vµc execution is halted.
The data space¶
D[] is a read-write memory space consisting of 0x800 16-bit cells. Every address in range 0-0x7ff corresponds to one cell. The D[] space is used for three purposes:
- to store general-purpose data by microcode/host and communicate between the microcode and the host
- to store the RPI table, a mapping from bitstream reference indices to hw surface indices [RPIs], used directly by hardware [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- to store the REF table, a mapping from RPIs to surface VM addresses, used directly by hardware [VP3+] [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
On VP2, the D[] space can be accessed from the host directly by using the DATA window:
- BAR0 0x103200 + (i >> 6) * 4 [index i & 0x3f] / XLMI 0x08000 + i * 4, i < 0x800: DATA[i] [VP2]
- Accesses the data space - low 16 bits of DATA[i] go to D[] cell i, high 16 bits are unused.
On VP3+, the DATA window also exists, but cells are accessed in pairs:
- BAR0 0x085400 + (i >> 6) * 4 [index i & 0x3f] / I[0x10000 + i * 4], i < 0x400: DATA[i] [VP3+]
- Accesses the data space - low 16 bits of DATA[i] go to D[] cell i*2, high 16 bits go to D[] cell i*2+1.
The D[] space can be both read and written via the DATA window.
Instruction reference¶
In the pseudocode, all intermediate computation results and temporary variables are assumed to be infinite-precision signed integers: non-negative integers are padded at the left with infinite number of 0 bits, while negative integers are padded with infinite number of 1 bits.
When assigning a result to a finite-precision register, any extra bits are chopped off. When reading a value from a finite-precision register, it’s padded with infinite number of 0 bits at the left by default. A sign-extension read, where the register value is padded with infinite number of copies of its MSB instead, is written as SEX(reg).
Operators used in the pseudocode behave as in C.
Some instructions are described elsewhere. They are:
- lut [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- sleep [in $stat register description]
- wstc [in $stat register description]
- wsts [in $stat register description]
- clicnt [XXX]
- mbiread [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- mbinext [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- mvsread [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- mvswrite [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
Data movement instructions: slct, mov¶
mov sets the destination to the value of the only source. slct sets the destination to the value of one of the sources, as selected by a predicate.
Instruction: slct pdst, dst, pred, src1, src2 Opcode: base opcode, OP = 00000 Operation:
result = (pred ? src1 : src2);
dst = result;
pdst = result & 1;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: LSB of normal result
Instruction: mov pdst, dst, lsrc Opcode: base opcode, OP = 00001 Operation:
result = lsrc;
dst = result;
pdst = result & 1;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: LSB of normal result
Addition instructions: add, sub, subr, avgs, avgu¶
add performs an addition of two 16-bit quantities, sub and subr perform substraction, subr with reversed order of operands. avgs and avgu compute signed and unsigned average of two sources, rounding up. If predicate output is used, the predicate is set to the lowest bit of the result.
- Instructions::
- add pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=00100 sub pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=00101 subr pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=00110 [VP2 only] avgs pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=00110 [VP3+ only] avgu pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=00111 [VP3+ only]
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (op == add) result = src1 + src2;
if (op == sub) result = src1 - src2;
if (op == subr) result = src2 - src1;
if (op == avgs) result = (SEX(src1) + SEX(src2) + 1) >> 1;
if (op == avgu) result = (src1 + src2 + 1) >> 1;
dst = result;
pdst = result & 1;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: LSB of normal result
Comparison instructions: setgt, setlt, seteq, setlep, setzero¶
setgt, setlt, seteq perform signed >, <, == comparison on two source operands and return the result as pdst. setlep returns 1 if src1 is in range [0, src2]. All comparisons are signed 16-bit. setzero returns 1 if both src1 and src2 are equal to 0.
- Instructions::
- setgt pdst, src1, src2 OP=01000 setlt pdst, src1, src2 OP=01001 seteq pdst, src1, src2 OP=01010 setlep pdst, src1, src2 OP=01011 setzero pdst, src1, src2 OP=01111 [VP2 only]
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (op == setgt) result = SEX(src1) < SEX(src2);
if (op == setlt) result = SEX(src1) > SEX(src2);
if (op == seteq) result = src1 == src2;
if (op == setlep) result = SEX(src1) <= SEX(src2) && SEX(src1) >= 0;
if (op == setzero) result = src1 == 0 && src2 == 0;
pdst = result;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: the comparison result
Clamping and sign extension instructions: clamplep, clamps, sext¶
clamplep clamps src1 to [0, src2] range. clamps, like the xtensa instruction of the same name, clamps src1 to [-(1 << src2), (1 << src2) - 1] range, ie. to the set of (src2+1)-bit signed integers. sext, like the xteansa and falcon instructions of the same name, replaces bits src2 and up with a copy of bit src2, effectively doing a sign extension from a (src2+1)-bit signed number.
- Instructions::
- clamplep pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=01100 clamps pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=01101 sext pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=01110
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (op == clamplep) {
result = src1;
presult = 0;
if (SEX(src1) < 0) {
presult = 1;
result = 0;
if (SEX(src1) > SEX(src2)) {
presult = 1;
result = src2;
if (op == clamps) {
bit = src2 & 0xf;
result = src1;
presult = 0;
if (SEX(src1) < -(1 << bit)) {
result = -(1 << bit);
presult = 1;
if (SEX(src1) > (1 << bit) - 1) {
result = (1 << bit) - 1;
presult = 1;
if (op == sext) {
bit = src2 & 0xf;
presult = src1 >> bit & 1;
if (presult)
result = jrc1 | -(1 << bit);
result = src1 & ((1 << bit) - 1);
dst = result;
pdst = presult;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output:
clamplep, clamps: 1 if clamping happened sext: 1 if result < 0
Division by 2 instruction: div2s¶
div2s divides a signed number by 2, rounding to 0.
- Instructions::
- div2s pdst, dst, src1 OP=01111 [VP3+ only]
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (SEX(src1) < 0) {
result = (SEX(src1) + 1) >> 1;
} else {
result = src1 >> 1;
dst = result;
pdst = result < 0;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: 1 if result is negative
Bit manipulation instructions: bset, bclr, btest¶
bset and bclr set or clear a single bit in a value. btest copies a selected bit to a $p register.
- Instructions::
- bset pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=10000 bclr pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=10001 btest pdst, src1, src2 OP=10010
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
bit = src2 & 0xf;
if (op == bset) {
result = src1 | 1 << bit;
presult = result & 1;
dst = result;
if (op == bclr) {
dst = result = src1 & ~(1 << bit)
presult = result & 1;
dst = result;
if (op == btest) {
presult = src1 >> bit & 1;
pdst = presult;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output:
bset, bclr: bit 0 of the result btest: the selected bit
Swapping reg halves: hswap¶
hswap, like the falcon instruction of the same name, rotates a value by half its size, which is always 8 bits for vµc.
- Instructions::
- hswap pdst, dst, src1 OP=10100
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
result = src1 >> 8 | src1 << 8;
dst = result;
pdst = result & 1;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: bit 0 of the result
Shift instructions: shl, shr, sar¶
shl does a left shift, shr does a logical right shift, sar does an arithmetic right shift.
- Instructions::
- shl pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=10101 shr pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=10110 sar pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=10111
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
shift = src2 & 0xf;
if (op == shl) {
result = src1 << shift;
presult = result >> 16 & 1;
if (op == shr) {
result = src1 >> shift;
if (shift != 0) {
presult = presult = src1 >> (shift - 1) & 1;
} else {
presult = 0;
if (op == sar) {
result = SEX(src1) >> shift;
if (shift != 0) {
presult = presult = src1 >> (shift - 1) & 1;
} else {
presult = 0;
dst = result;
pdst = presult;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: the last bit shifted out
Bitwise instructions: and, or, xor, not¶
No comment.
- Instructions::
- and pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=11000 or pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=11001 xor pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=11010 not pdst, dst, src1 OP=11011
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (op == and) result = src1 & src2;
if (op == or) result = src1 | src2;
if (op == xor) result = src1 ^ src2;
if (op == not) result = ~src1;
dst = result;
pdst = result & 1;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: bit 0 of the result
Minmax instructions: min, max¶
These instructions perform the signed min/max operations.
- Instructions::
- min pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=11101 [VP3+ only] max pdst, dst, src1, src2 OP=11110 [VP3+ only]
Opcode: base opcode, OP as above Operation:
if (op == min) which = (SEX(src2) < SEX(src1));
if (op == max) which = (SEX(src2) >= SEX(src1));
dst = (which ? src2 : src1);
pdst = which;
Execution time: 1 cycle Predicate output: 0 if src1 is selected as the result, 1 if src2 is selected
Predicate instructions: and, or, xor¶
These instruction perform the corresponding logical ops on $p registers. Note that one of both inputs can be negates, as mentioned in psrc1/psrc2 operand description.
- Instructions::
- and spdst, psrc1, psrc2 OP=xxx00 or spdst, psrc1, psrc2 OP=xxx01 xor spdst, psrc1, psrc2 OP=xxx10
- Opcode: special opcode with OC=010, OP as above. Note that bits 2 and 3 of OP
- are used for psrc1 and psrc2 negation flags.
- Operation::
- if (op == and) spdst = psrc1 & psrc2; if (op == or) spdst = psrc1 | psrc2; if (op == xor) spdst = psrc1 ^ psrc2;
Execution time: 1 cycle
No operation: nop¶
Does nothing.
- Instructions::
- nop OP=xxx11
Opcode: special opcode with OC=010, OP as above. Operation:
/* nothing */
Execution time: 1 cycle
Long multiplication instructions: lmulu, lmuls¶
These instructions perform signed and unsigned 16x11 -> 32 bit multiplication. src1 holds the 16-bit source, while low 11 bits of src2 hold the 11-bit source. The result is written to $lhi:$llo.
- Instructions::
- lmulu src1, src2 OP=00000 lmuls src1, src2 OP=00001
Opcode: special opcode with OC=101, OP as above Operation:
if (op == umul) {
result = src1 * (src2 & 0x7ff);
if (op == smul) {
/* sign extension from 11-bit number */
s2 = src2 & 0x7ff;
if (s2 & 0x400)
s2 -= 0x800;
result = SEX(src1) * s2;
$llo = result;
$lhi = result >> 16;
Execution time: 3 cycles Execution unit conflicts: lmulu, lmuls, lsrr, ladd, lsar, ldivu
Long arithmetic unary instructions: lsrr, ladd, lsar, ldivu¶
These instruction operate on the 32-bit quantity in $lhi:$llo. ladd adds a signed 16-bit quantity to it. lsar shifts it right arithmetically by a given amount. ldivu does an unsigned 32/16 -> 32 division. lsrr divides it by 2^(src2 + 1), rounding to nearest with ties rounded up.
- Instructions::
- lsrr src2 OP=00010 ladd src2 OP=00100 [VP3+ only] lsar src2 OP=01000 [VP3+ only] ldivu src2 OP=01100 [VP4 only]
Opcode: special opcode with OC=101, OP as above Operation:
val = SEX($lhi) << 16 | $llo;
if (op == lsrr) {
bit = src2 & 0x1f;
val += 1 << bit;
val >>= (bit + 1);
if (op == ladd) val += SEX(src2);
if (op == lsar) val >>= src2 & 0x1f;
if (op == ldivu)
val &= 0xffffffff;
if (src2)
val /= src2;
val = 0xffffffff;
$llo = val;
$lhi = val >> 16;
- Execution time:
- lsrr: 1 cycle ladd: 1 cycle lsar: 1 cycle ldivu: 34 cycles
Execution unit conflicts: lmulu, lmuls, lsrr, ladd, lsar, ldivu
Control flow instructions: bra, call, ret¶
write me
- Flow:
- 0x00: [bra TARGET]
bra IMM?
Branch to address. Delay: 1 instruction
- 0x02: [call TARGET]
call IMM?
XXX: stack and calling convention
- 0x03: [ret]
TODO: delay (blob: 1) XXX: stack and calling convention
Memory access instructions: ld, st¶
These instructions load and store values from/to one of the memory spaces available to the vµc microprocessor. The exact semantics of such operation depend on the space being accessed.
- Instructions::
- st space[dst + src1 * 2], src2 OP=xxxx0 [if IMMF is 0] st space[src1 + stoff], src2 OP=xxxx0 [if IMMF is 1] ld dst, space[src1 + ldoff] OP=xxxx1 [if IMMF is 0] ld dst, space[src1 + src2] OP=xxxx1 [if IMMF is 1]
- Opcode: Special opcode with OC=100, OP as above. Note that btis 1-4 of OP are
- used to select memory space.
- Operation::
- if (op == st)
- space.STORE(address, src2);
- else
- dst = space.LOAD(address);
- Execution time:
- ld: 3 cycles st: 1 cycle
The scratch special registers¶
The vµc has two 16-bit scratch registers that may be used for communication between vµc and the host [xtensa/falcon code counts at the host in this case]. One of them is for host -> vµc direction, the other for vµc -> host.
The host -> vµc register is called $h2v. It’s RW on the host side, RO on vµc side. Writing this register causes bit 11 of $stat register to light up and stay up until $h2v is read on vµc side.
$sr4/$h2v: host->vµc 16-bit scratch register. Reading this register will clear bit 11 of $stat. This register is read-only.
BAR0 0x103290 / XLMI 0x0a400: H2V [VP2] BAR0 0x085450 / I[0x11400]: H2V [VP3+]
A read-write alias of $h2v. Does not clear $stat bit 11 when read. Writing sets bit 11 of $stat
$stat bit 11: $h2v write pending. This bit is set when H2V is written by host, cleared when $h2v is read by vµc.
The vµc -> host register is called $v2h. It’s RW on the vµc side, RO on host side. Writing this register causes an interrupt to be triggered.
$sr5/$v2h: vµc->host 16-bit scratch register, read-write. Writing this register will trigger V2H vµc interrupt.
BAR0 0x103294 / XLMI 0x0a500: V2H [VP2] BAR0 0x085454 / I[0x11500]: V2H [VP3+]
A read-only alias of $v2h.
The $stat special register¶
Every bit in this register performs a different function. All of them can be read. For the ones that can be written, value 0 serves as a noop, while value 1 triggers some operation.
$sr6/$stat: Control and status register.
- bit 0 [VP2]: VPRING_DEBLOCK buffer 0 write trigger [vdec/vuc/vpring.txt]
- bit 1 [VP2]: VPRING_DEBLOCK buffer 1 write trigger [vdec/vuc/vpring.txt]
- bit 2 [VP2]: VPRING_CTRL buffer 0 write trigger [vdec/vuc/vpring.txt]
- bit 3 [VP2]: VPRING_CTRL buffer 1 write trigger [vdec/vuc/vpring.txt]
- bit 0 [VP3+]: ??? [XXX]
- bit 1 [VP3+]: ??? [XXX]
- bit 2 [VP3+]: ??? [XXX]
- bit 3 [VP3+]: ??? [XXX]
- bit 4: ??? [XXX]
- bit 5: mvsread done status [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- bit 6: MVSURF_OUT full status [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- bit 7: mvswrite busy status [vdec/vuc/mvsurf.txt]
- bit 8: ??? [XXX]
- bit 9: ??? [XXX]
- bit 10: macroblock input available [vdec/vuc/vreg.txt]
- bit 11: $h2v write pending [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- bit 12: watchdog triggered [vdec/vuc/isa.txt]
- bit 13 [VP4+?]: ??? [XXX]
- bit 14: user-controlled pulse PCOUNTER signal [vdec/vuc/perf.txt]
- bit 15: user-controlled continuousPCOUNTER signal [vdec/vuc/perf.txt]
Three special instructions are available that read $stat implicitely. sleep instruction switches to a low-power sleep mode until bit 10 or bit 11 is set. wstc instruction does a busy-wait until a selected bit in $stat goes to 0, wsts likewise waits until a selected bit goes to 1.
On VP3+, a read-only alias of $stat is available in the MMIO space:
- BAR0 0x0854bc / I[0x12f00]: STAT
- Aliases $stat vµc register, read only.
Sleep instruction: sleep¶
This instruction waits until a full macroblock has been read from the MBRING [ie. $stat bit 10 is set] or host writes $h2v register [ie. $stat bit 11 is set]. While this instruction is waiting, vµc microprocessor goes into a low power mode, and sends 0 on its “busy” signal, thus counting as idle.
- Instructions::
- sleep OP=00100
Opcode: special opcode with OC=001, OP as above Operation:
while (!($stat & 0xc00)) idle();
- Execution time: as long as necessary, at least 1 cycle, blocks subsequent
- instructions until finished
Wait for status bit instructions: wstc, wsts¶
These instructions wait for a given $stat bit to become 0 [wstc] or 1 [wsts]. Execution of all subsequent instructions is delayed until this happens.
- Instructions::
- wstc imm4 OP=00101 wsts imm4 OP=00110
Opcode: special opcode with OC=001, OP as above Operation:
while (($stat >> imm4 & 1) != (op == wsts));
- Execution time: as long as necessary, at least 1 cycle, blocks subsequent
- instructions until finished
Misc special registers¶
This section describes various special registers that don’t fit anywhere else.
$sr8/$pc: The program counter. When read, always returns the address of the instruction doing the read.
BAR0 0x10329c / XLMI 0x0a700: PC [VP2] BAR0 0x08545c / I[0x11700]: PC [VP3+]
A host-accessible alias of $pc. Shows the address of currently executing instruction.
$sr12/$lhi: long arithmetic high word register $sr13/$llo: long arithmetic low word register
These two registers together make a 32-bit quantity used in long arithmetic operations - see the documentation of long arithmetic instructions for details. These registers may be read after long arithmetic instructions to get their results. On VP3+, these registers may be written manually, on VP2 they’re read-only and only modifiable by long arithmetic instructions.
$sr14/$pred: predicate register file alias
This register aliases the $p register file - bit X corresponds to $pX. The bits behave like the corresponding $p registers - bit 15 is read-only and always 1, while bit 1 is read-only and is always the negation of bit 0.