VP2 command macro processor¶
The VP2 macro processor is a small programmable processor that can emit vector processor commands when triggered by special commands from xtensa. All vector commands first go through the macro processor, which checks whether they’re in macro command range, and either passes them down to vector processor, or interprets them itself, possibly launching a macro and submitting other vector commands. It is one of the four major blocks making up the PVP2 engine.
The macro processor has:
- 64-bit VLIW opcodes, controlling two separate execution paths, one primarily for processing/emitting commands, the other for command parameters
- dedicated code RAM, 512 64-bit words in size
- 32 * 32-bit word LUT data space, RW by host and RO by the macro code
- 6 32-bit global [not banked] GPRs visible to macro code and host [$g0-$g5]
- 8 32-bit banked GPRs visible to macro code and host, meant for passing parameters - one bank is writable by the param commands, the other is in use by macro code at any time [$p0-$p7]
- 3 1-bit predicates, with conditional execution [$p1-$p3]
- instruction set consisting of bit operations, shifts, and 16-bit addition
- no branch/loop capabilities
- a 32-bit command path accumulator [$cacc]
- a 32-bit data path accumulator [$dacc]
- a 7-bit LUT address register [$lutidx]
- 15-bit command, 32-bit data, and 8-bit high data registers for command submission [$cmd, $data, $datahi]
- 64-entry input command FIFO
- 2-entry output command FIFO
- a single hardware breakpoint
MMIO registers¶
The macro processor registers occupy 0x00f600:0x00f700 range in BAR0 space, corresponding to 0x2c000:0x2e000 range in PVP2’s XLMI space. They are:
XLMI | MMIO | Name | Description |
0x2c000 | 0x00f600 | CONTROL | master control |
0x2c100 | 0x00f608 | STATUS | detailed status |
0x2c180 | 0x00f60c | IDLE | a busy/idle status |
0x2c200 | 0x00f610 | INTR_EN | interrupt enable |
0x2c280 | 0x00f614 | INTR | interrupt status |
0x2c300 | 0x00f618 | BREAKPOINT | breakpoint address and enable |
0x2c800:0x2c880 | 0x00f640 | LUT[0:32] | the LUT data |
0x2c880:0x2c8a0 | 0x00f644 | PARAM_A[0:8] | $p bank A |
0x2c900:0x2c920 | 0x00f648 | PARAM_B[0:8] | $p bank B |
0x2c980:0x2c9a0 | 0x00f64c | GLOBAL[0:8] | $g registers |
0x2cb80 | 0x00f65c | PARAM_SEL | $p bank selection switch |
0x2cc00 | 0x00f660 | RUNNING | code execution in progress switch |
0x2cc80 | 0x00f664 | PC | program counter |
0x2cd00 | 0x00f668 | DATAHI | $datahi register |
0x2cd80 | 0x00f66c | LUTIDX | $lutidx register |
0x2ce00 | 0x00f670 | CACC | $cacc register |
0x2ce80 | 0x00f674 | CMD | $cmd register |
0x2cf00 | 0x00f678 | DACC | $dacc register |
0x2cf80 | 0x00f67c | DATA | $data register |
0x2d000 | 0x00f680 | IFIFO_DATA | input FIFO data |
0x2d080 | 0x00f684 | IFIFO_ADDR | input FIFO command |
0x2d100 | 0x00f688 | IFIFO_TRIGGER | input FIFO manual read/write trigger |
0x2d180 | 0x00f66c | IFIFO_SIZE | input FIFO size limitter |
0x2d200 | 0x00f670 | IFIFO_STATUS | input FIFO status |
0x2d280 | 0x00f674 | OFIFO_DATA | output FIFO data |
0x2d300 | 0x00f678 | OFIFO_ADDR | output FIFO command & high data |
0x2d380 | 0x00f67c | OFIFO_TRIGGER | output FIFO manual read/write trigger |
0x2d400 | 0x00f680 | OFIFO_SIZE | output FIFO size limitter |
0x2d480 | 0x00f684 | OFIFO_STATUS | output FIFO status |
0x2d780 | 0x00f6bc | CODE_SEL | selects high or low part of code RAM for code window |
0x2d800:0x2e000 | 0x00f6c0:0x00f700 | CODE | a 256-word window to code space |
Control and status registers¶
write me
write me
The macro processor processes commands in 0xc000-0xdfff range from the input FIFO, passing down all other commands directly to the output FIFO [provided that no macro is executing at the moment]. The macro processor commands are:
Command | Name | Description |
0xc000+i*4 | MACRO_PARAM[0:8] | write to $p host register bank |
0xc020+i*4 | MACRO_GLOBAL[0:8] | write to $g registers |
0xc080+i*4 | MACRO_LUT[0:32] | write to given LUT entry |
0xc100 | MACRO_EXEC | execute a macro |
0xc200 | MACRO_DATAHI | write to $datahi register |
0xd000+i*4 | MACRO_CODE[0:0x400] | upload half of a code word |
Execution state and registers¶
Code RAM¶
The code RAM contains 512 opcodes. Opcodes are 64 bits long and are accessible by the host as pairs of 32-bit words. Code may be read or written using MMIO window:
- BAR0 0x00f6bc / XLMI 0x2d780: CODE_SEL
- 1-bit RW register. Writing 0 selects code RAM entries 0:0x100 to be mapped to the CODE window, writing 1 selects code RAM entries 0x100:0x200.
- BAR0 0x00f6c0 + (i >> 5) * 4 [index i & 0x1f] / XLMI 0x2d800 + i * 4, i < 0x200: CODE[i]
- The code window. Reading or writing CODE[i] is equivalent to reading or writing low [if i is even] or high [if i is odd] 32 bits of code RAM cell i >> 1 | CODE_SEL << 8.
They can also be written in pipelined manner by the MACRO_CODE command:
- VP command 0xd000 + i * 4, i < 0x400: MACRO_CODE[i]
- Write the parameter to low [if i is even] or high [if i is odd] 32 bits of code RAM cell i >> 1. If a macro is currently executing, execution of this command is blocked until it finishes. Valid only on macro input FIFO.
Execution control¶
write me
Parameter registers¶
Parameter registers server dual purpose: they’re meant for passing parameters to macros, but can also be used as GPRs by the code. There are two banks of parameter registers, bank A and bank B. Each bank contains 8 32-bit registers. At any time, one of the banks is in use by the macro code, while the other can be written by the host via MACRO_PARAM commands for next macro execution. Each time a macro is launched, the bank assignments are swapped. The current assignment is controlled by the PARAM_SEL register:
- BAR0 0x00f65c / XLMI 0x2cb80: PARAM_SEL
1-bit RW register. Can be set to one of:
- 0: CODE_A_CMD_B - bank A is in use by the macro code, commands will write to bank B
- 1: CODE_B_CMD_A - bank B is in use by the macro code, commands will write to bank A
This register is toggled on every MACRO_EXEC command execution.
The parameter register banks can be accessed through MMIO registers:
BAR0 0x00f644 [index i] / XLMI 0x2c880 + i * 4, i < 8: PARAM_A[i] BAR0 0x00f648 [index i] / XLMI 0x2c900 + i * 4, i < 8: PARAM_B[i]
These MMIO registers are mapped straight to corresponding parameter registers.
The bank not currently in use by code can also be written by MACRO_PARAM commands:
- VP command 0xc000 + i * 4, i < 8: MACRO_PARAM[i]
- Write the command data to parameter register i of the bank currently not assigned to the macro code. Execution of this command won’t wait for the current macro execution to finish. Valid only on macro input FIFO.
The parameter registers are visible to the macro code as GPR registers 0-7.
Global registers¶
There are 6 normal global registers, $g0-$g5. They are simply 32-bit GPRs for use by macro computations. There are also two special global pseudo-registers, $g6 and $g7.
$g6 is the LUT readout register. Any attempt to read from it will read from the LUT entry selected by $lutidx register. Any attempt to write to it will be ignored.
$g7 is the special predicate register, $pred. Its 4 low bits are mapped to the four predicates, $p0-$p3. Any attempt to read from this register will read the predicates, and fill high 28 bits with zeros. Any attempt to write this register will write the predicates.
$p0 is always forced to 1, while $p1-$p3 are writable. The predicates are used for conditional execution in macro code. In addition to access through $pred, the predicates can also be written by macro code individually as a result of various operations.
All 8 global registers are accessible through MMIO and the command stream:
- BAR0 0x00f64c [index i] / XLMI 0x2c980 + i * 4, i < 8: GLOBAL[i]
- These registers are mapped straight to corresponding global registers.
- VP command 0xc020 + i * 4, i < 8: MACRO_GLOBAL[i]
- Write the command data to global register i. If a macro is currently executing, execution of this command is blocked until it finishes. Valid only on macro input FIFO.
The global registers are visible to the macro code as GPR registers 8-15.
Special registers¶
In addition to the GPRs, the macro code can use 6 special registers. There are 4 special registers belonging to the command execution path, identified by a 2-bit index:
- 0: $cacc, command accumulator
- 1: $cmd, output command register
- 2: $lutidx, LUT index
- 3: $datahi, output high data register
There are also 2 special registers belonging to the data execution path, identified by a 1-bit index:
- 0: $dacc, data accumulator
- 1: $data, output data register
The $cacc and $dacc registers are 32-bit and can be read back by the macro code, and so are usable for general purpose computations.
The $cmd, $data, and $datahi registers are write-only by the macro code, and their contents are submitted to the macro output FIFO when a submit opcode is executed. $data is 32-bit, $datahi is 8-bit, mapping to bits 0-7 of written values. $cmd is 15-bit, mapping to bits 2-16 of written values. The $datahi register is also used to fill the high data bits in output FIFO whenever a command is bypassed from the input FIFO.
The $lutidx register is 5-bit and write-only by the macro code. It maps to bits 0-4 of written values. Its value selects the LUT entry visible in $g6 pseudo-register.
All 6 special registers can be accessed through MMIO, and the $datahi register can be additionally set by a command:
MMIO 0x00f668 / XLMI 0x2cd00: DATAHI MMIO 0x00f66c / XLMI 0x2cd80: LUTIDX MMIO 0x00f670 / XLMI 0x2ce00: CACC MMIO 0x00f674 / XLMI 0x2ce80: CMD MMIO 0x00f678 / XLMI 0x2cf00: DACC MMIO 0x00f67c / XLMI 0x2cf80: DATA
These registers map directly to corresponding special registers. For $cacc, $dacc, and $data, all bits are valid. For $cmd, bits 2-16 are valid. For $lutidx, bits 0-4 are valid. For $datahi, bits 0-7 are valid. Remaining bits are forced to 0.
- VP command 0xc200: MACRO_DATAHI
- Sets $datahi to low 8 bits of the command data. If a macro is currently executing, execution of this command is blocked until it finishes. Valid only on macro input FIFO.
The LUT¶
The LUT is a small indexable RAM that’s read-only by the macro code, but freely writable by the host. It’s made of 32 32-bit words. The LUT entry selected by $lutidx register can be read by macro code simply by reading from the $g6 pseudo-register. The LUT can be accessed by the host through MMIO and the command stream:
- BAR0 0x00f640 [index i] / XLMI 0x2c800 + i * 4, i < 32: LUT[i]
- These registers are mapped straight to corresponding LUT entries.
- VP command 0xc080 + i * 4, i < 32: MACRO_LUT[i]
- Write the command data to LUT entry i. If a macro is currently executing, execution of this command is blocked until it finishes. Valid only on macro input FIFO.
The code opcodes are 64 bits long. They’re divided in several major parts:
- bits 0-2: conditional execution predicate selection.
- bits 0-1: PRED, the predicate to use [selected from $p0-$p3]
- bit 2: PNOT, selects whether the predicate is negated before use.
- bit 3: EXIT, exit flag
- bit 4: SUBMIT, submit flag
- bits 5-30: command opcode
- bits 31-32: PDST, predicate destination [selected from $p0-$p3]
- bits 33-63: data opcode
When a macro is launched, opcodes are executed sequentially from the macro start address until an opcode with the exit flag set is executed. An opcode is executed as follows:
- If the SUBMIT bit is set, the current values of $cmd, $data, $datahi are sent to the output FIFO.
- Conditional execution status is determined: the predicate selected by PRED is read. If PNOT is set to 0, conditional execution will be enabled if the predicate is set to 1. Otherwise [PNOT set to 1], conditional execution will be enabled if the predicate is set to 0. Unconditional opcodes are simply opcodes using non-negated predicate $p0 [PRED = 0, PNOT = 0].
- If the SUBMIT bit is set, conditional execution is enabled, and ($cmd & 0x1fe80) == 0xb000 [ie. the submitted command was in 0xb000-0xb07c or 0xb100-0xb17c ranges, correnspoding to vector processor param commands], $cmd is incremented by 4. This enables submitting several parameters in a row without having to update the $cmd register.
- If conditional execution is enabled, the command opcode is executed, and the command result, command predicate result, and the C2D intermediate value are computed.
- If conditional execution is enabled, the data opcode is executed, and the data result and data predicate result are computed.
- If conditional execution is enabled, the command and data results are written to their destination registers.
- If the EXIT bit is set, macro execution halts.
Effectively, conditional execution affects all computations [including auto $cmd increment], but doesn’t affect submit and exit opcodes.
Command opcodes¶
The command processing path is mainly meant for processing commands and data going to $lutidx/$datahi register, but can also exchange data with the data processing path if needed.
The command opcode bitfields are:
- bits 5-9: CBFSTART - bitfield start [CINSRT_R, CINSRT_I, some data ops]
- bits 10-14: CBFEND - bitfield end [CINSRT_R, CINSRT_I, some data ops]
- bits 15-19: CSHIFT - shift count [CINSRT_R]
- bit 20: CSHDIR - shift direction [CINSRT_R]
- bits 15-20: CIMM6 - 6-bit unsigned immediate [CINSRT_I]
- bits 21-22: CSRC2 - selects command source #2 [CINSRT_I, CINSRT_R], one of:
- 0: ZERO, source #2 is 0
- 1: CACC, source #2 is current value of $cacc
- 2: DACC, source #2 is current value of $dacc
- 3: GPR, source #2 is same as command source #1
- bits 15-22: CIMM8 - 8-bit unsigned immediate [CEXTRADD8]
- bits 5-22: CIMM18 - 18-bit signed immediate [CMOV_I]
- bits 23-26: CSRC1 - selects command source #1 [CINSRT_R, CEXTRADD8, DSHIFT_R, DADD16_R]. The command source #1 is the GPR with index selected by this bitfield.
- bits 27-28: CDST - the command destination, determines where the command
result will be written; one of:
- 0: CACC
- 1: CMD
- bits 29-30: COP - the command operation, one of:
- 0: CINSRT_R, bitfield insertion with shift, register sources
- 1: CINSRT_I, bitfield insertion with 6-bit immediate source
- 2: CMOV_I, 18-bit immediate value load
- 3: CEXTRADD8, bitfield extraction + 8-bit immediate addition
The command processing path computes four values for further processing:
- the command result, ie. the 32-bit value that will later be written to the command destination register
- the command predicate result, ie. the 1-bit value that may later be written to the destination predicate
- the C2D value, a 32-bit intermediate result used in some data opcodes
- the command bitfield mask [CBFMASK], a 32-bit value used in some command and data opcodes
The command bitfield mask is used by the bitfield insertion operations. It is computed from the command bitfield start and end as follows:
CBFMASK = (2 << CBFEND) - (1 << CBFSTART); // bits CBFSTART-CBFEND are 1
} else {
Since the CBFEND and CBFSTART fields conflict with CIMM18 field, the data ops using the command mask should not be used together with the CMOV_I operation.
The CINSRT_R operation has the following semantics:
if (CSHDIR == 0) /* 0 is left shift, 1 is right logical shift */
shifted_source = command_source_1 << CSHIFT;
shifted_source = command_source_1 >> CSHIFT;
C2D = command_result = (shifted_source & CBFMASK) | (command_source_2 & ~CBFMASK);
command_predicate_result = (shifted_source & CBFMASK) == 0;
The CINSRT_I operation has the following semantics:
C2D = command_result = (CIMM6 << CBFSTART & CBFMASK) | (command_source_2 & ~CBFMASK);
command_predicate_result = 0;
The CMOV_I operation has the following semantics:
C2D = command_result = sext(CIMM18, 17); /* sign-extend 18-bit immediate to 32 bits */
command_predicate_result = 0;
The CEXTRADD8 operation has the following semantics:
C2D = (command_source_1 & CBFMASK) >> CBFSTART;
command_result = ((C2D + CIMM8) & 0xff) | (C2D & ~0xff); /* add immediate to low 8 bits of extracted value */
command_predicate_result = 0;
Data opcodes¶
The command processing path is mainly meant for processing command data, but can also exchange data with the command processing path if needed.
The data opcode bitfields are:
- bits 33-37: DBFSTART - bitfield start [DINSRT_R, DINSRT_I, DSEXT]
- bits 38-42: DBFEND - bitfield end [DINSRT_R, DINSRT_I, DSEXT]
- bits 43-47: DSHIFT - shift count and SEXT bit position [DINSRT_R, DSEXT]
- bit 48: DSHDIR - shift direction [DINSRT_R, DSHIFT_R]
- bits 43-48: DIMM6 - 6-bit unsigned immediate [DINSRT_I]
- bits 33-48: DIMM16 - 16-bit immediate [DADD16_I, DLOGOP16_I]
- bit 49: C2DEN - enables double bitfield insertion, using C2D value [DINSRT_R, DINSRT_I, DSEXT]
- bit 49: DDSTSKIP - skips DDST write if set [DADD16_I]
- bit 49: DSUB - selects whether DADD16_R operation does an addition or substraction
- bits 49-50: DLOGOP - the DLOGOP16_I suboperation, one of:
- 0: MOV, result is set to immediate
- 1: AND, result is source ANDed with the immediate
- 2: OR, result is source ORed with the immediate
- 3: XOR, result is source XORed with the immediate
- bits 50-51: DSRC2 - selects data source #2 [DINSRT_R, DINSRT_I], one of:
- 0: ZERO, source #2 is 0
- 1: CACC, source #2 is current value of $cacc
- 2: DACC, source #2 is current value of $dacc
- 3: GPR, source #2 is same as data source #1
- bit 50: DHI2 - selects low or high 16 bits of second operand [DADD16_R]
- bit 51: DHI - selects low or high 16 bits of an operand [DADD16_I, DLOGOP16_I, DADD16_R]
- bits 52-55: DSRC1 - selects data source #1 [DINSRT_R, DINSRT_I, DADD16_I, DLOGOP16_I, DSHIFT_R, DSEXT, DADD16_R]. The data source #1 is the GPR with index selected by this bitfield.
- bits 33-55: DIMM23 - 23-bit signed immediate [DMOV_I]
- bits 56-59: DRDST - selects data GPR destination register. The GPR destination is the GPR with index selected by this bitfield. The data result will be written here, along with the special register selected by DDST.
- bit 60: DDST - the data special register destination, determines where the
data result will be written (along with DRDST); one of:
- 0: DACC
- 1: DATA
- bits 61-63: DOP - the data operation, one of:
- 0: DINSRT_R, bitfield insertion with shift, register sources
- 1: DINSRT_I, bitfield insertion with 6-bit immediate source
- 2: DMOV_I, 23-bit immediate value load
- 3: DADD16_I, 16-bit addition with immediate
- 4: DLOGOP16_I, 16-bit logic operation with immediate
- 5: DSHIFT_R, shift by the value of a register
- 6: DSEXT, sign extension
- 7: DADD16_R, 16-bit addition/substraction with register operands
The data processing path computes three values:
- the data result, ie. the 32-bit value that will be written to the data destination registers
- the data predicate result, ie. the 1-bit value that will be written to the destination predicate
- the skip special destination flag, a 1-bit flag that disables write to the data special register if set
Not all data operations produce a predicate result. For ones that don’t, the command predicate result will be output instead.
The DINSRT_R operation has the following semantics:
DBFMASK = (2 << DBFEND) - (1 << DBFSTART); // bits DBFSTART-DBFEND are 1
} else {
if (DSHDIR == 0) /* 0 is left shift, 1 is right arithmetic shift */
shifted_source = data_source_1 << DSHIFT;
shifted_source = (-1 << 32 | data_source_1) >> DSHIFT;
data_result = (data_source_2 & ~DBFMASK) | (shifted_source & DBFMASK);
if (C2DEN)
data_result = (data_result & ~CBFMASK) | (C2D & CBFMASK);
data_predicate_result = (shifted_source & DBFMASK) == 0;
skip_special_destination = false;
The DINSRT_I operation has the following semantics:
DBFMASK = (2 << DBFEND) - (1 << DBFSTART); // bits DBFSTART-DBFEND are 1
} else {
data_result = (data_source_2 & ~DBFMASK) | (DIMM6 << DBFSTART & DBFMASK);
if (C2DEN)
data_result = (data_result & ~CBFMASK) | (C2D & CBFMASK);
data_predicate_result = command_predicate_result;
skip_special_destination = false;
The DMOV_I operation has the following semantics:
data_result = sext(DIMM23, 22); /* sign-extend 23-bit immediate to 32 bits */
data_predicate_result = command_predicate_result;
skip_special_destination = false;
The DADD16_I operation has the following semantics:
sum = ((data_source_1 >> (16 * DHI)) + DIMM16) & 0xffff;
data_result = (data_source_1 & ~(0xffff << (16 * DHI))) | sum << (16 * DHI);
data_predicate_result = sum >> 15 & 1;
skip_special_destionation = DDSTSKIP;
The DLOGOP16_I operation has the following semantics:
src = (data_source_1 >> (16 * DHI)) & 0xffff;
switch (DLOGOP) {
case MOV: res = DIMM16; break;
case AND: res = src & DIMM16; break;
case OR: res = src | DIMM16; break;
case XOR: res = src ^ DIMM16; break;
data_result = (data_source_1 & ~(0xffff << (16 * DHI))) | res << (16 * DHI);
data_predicate_result = (res == 0);
skip_special_destination = false;
The DSHIFT_R operation has the following semantics:
shift = command_source_1 & 0x1f;
if (DSHDIR == 0) /* 0 is left shift, 1 is right arithmetic shift */
data_result = data_source_1 << shift;
data_result = (-1 << 32 | data_source_1) >> shift;
data_predicate_result = command_predicate_result;
skip_special_destination = false;
The DSEXT operation has the following semantics:
bfstart = max(DBFSTART, DSHIFT);
if (DBFEND >= bfstart) {
DBFMASK = (2 << DBFEND) - (1 << bfstart); // bits bfstart-DBFEND are 1
} else {
sign = data_source_2 >> DSHIFT & 1;
data_result = (data_source_2 & ~DBFMASK) | (sign ? DBFMASK : 0);
if (C2DEN)
data_result = (data_result & ~CBFMASK) | (C2D & CBFMASK);
data_predicate_result = sign;
skip_special_destination = false;
The DADD16_R operation has the following semantics:
src1 = (data_source_1 >> (16 * DHI)) & 0xffff;
src2 = (command_source_1 >> (16 * DHI2)) & 0xffff;
if (DSUB == 0)
sum = (src1 + src2) & 0xffff;
sum = (src1 - src2) & 0xffff;
data_result = (data_source_1 & ~(0xffff << (16 * DHI))) | sum << (16 * DHI);
data_predicate_result = sum >> 15 & 1;
skip_special_destionation = false;
Destination write¶
Once both command and data processing is done, the results are written to the destination registers, as follows:
- command_result is written to command special register selected by CDST.
- data_result is written to data special register selected by DDST, unless skip_special_destionation is true.
- data_result is written to GPR selected by DRDST. This can be effectively disabled by setting DRDST to $g6.
- data_predicate_result is written to predicate selected by PDST. This can be effectively disabled by setting PDST to $p0.