2D pattern¶
One of the configurable inputs to the bitwise operation and, on NV1:NV4, the blending operation is the pattern. A pattern is an infinitely repeating 8x8, 64x1, or 1x64 image. There are two types of patterns:
- bitmap pattern: an arbitrary 2-color 8x8, 64x1, or 1x64 2-color image
- color pattern: an aribtrary 8x8 R8G8B8 image [NV4-]
The pattern can be set through the NV1-style *_PATTERN context objects, or through the G80-style unified 2d objects. For details on how and when the pattern is used, see 2D pattern.
The graph context used for pattern storage is made of:
- pattern type selection: bitmap or color [NV4-]
- bitmap pattern state:
- shape selection: 8x8, 1x64, or 64x1
- the bitmap: 2 32-bit words
- 2 colors: A8R10G10B10 format [NV1:NV4]
- 2 colors: 32-bit word + format selector each [NV4:G80]
- 2 colors: 32-bit word each [G80-]
- color format selection [G80-]
- bitmap format selection [G80-]
- color pattern state [NV4-]:
- 64 colors: R8G8B8 format
- pattern offset: 2 6-bit numbers [G80-]
PATTERN objects¶
The PATTERN object family deals with setting up the pattern. The objects in this family are:
- objtype 0x06: NV1_PATTERN [NV1:NV4]
- class 0x0018: NV1_PATTERN [NV4:G80]
- class 0x0044: NV4_PATTERN [NV4:G84]
The methods for this family are:
0100 NOP [NV4-] [graph/intro.txt] 0104 NOTIFY [graph/intro.txt] 0110 WAIT_FOR_IDLE [G80-] [graph/intro.txt] 0140 PM_TRIGGER [NV40-?] [XXX] [graph/intro.txt] 0180 N DMA_NOTIFY [NV4-] [graph/intro.txt] 0200 O PATCH_IMAGE_OUTPUT [NV4:NV20] [see below] 0300 COLOR_FORMAT [NV4-] [see below] 0304 BITMAP_FORMAT [NV4-] [see below] 0308 BITMAP_SHAPE [see below] 030c TYPE [NV4_PATTERN] [see below] 0310+i*4, i<2 BITMAP_COLOR [see below] 0318+i*4, i<2 BITMAP [see below] 0400+i*4, i<16 COLOR_Y8 [NV4_PATTERN] [see below] 0500+i*4, i<32 COLOR_R5G6B5 [NV4_PATTERN] [see below] 0600+i*4, i<32 COLOR_X1R5G5B5 [NV4_PATTERN] [see below] 0700+i*4, i<64 COLOR_X8R8G8B8 [NV4_PATTERN] [see below]
- mthd 0x200: PATCH_IMAGE_OUTPUT [*_PATTERN] [NV4:NV20]
- Reserved for plugging an image patchcord to output the pattern into.
- Operation:
Pattern selection¶
With the *_PATTERN objects, the pattern type is selected using the TYPE and BITMAP_SHAPE methods:
- mthd 0x030c: TYPE [NV4_PATTERN]
- Sets the pattern type. One of:
- Operation::
- if (NV4:G80) {
- PATTERN_TYPE = param;
- } else {
- mthd 0x308: BITMAP_SHAPE [*_PATTERN]
- Sets the pattern shape. One of:
- 0: 8x8 1: 64x1 2: 1x64
On unified 2d objects, use the PATTERN_SELECT method instead.
- Operation::
- if (param > 2)
- throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- if (NV1:G80) {
- } else {
With the unified 2d objects, the pattern type is selected along with the bitmap shape using the PATTERN_SELECT method:
- mthd 0x02bc: PATTERN_SELECT [*_2D]
- Sets the pattern type and shape. One of:
- 0: BITMAP_8X8 1: BITMAP_64X1 2: BITMAP_1X64 3: COLOR
- Operation::
- if (param < 4)
- else
- throw(INVALID_ENUM);
Pattern coordinates¶
The pattern pixel is selected according to pattern coordinates: px, py. On NV1:G80, the pattern coordinates are equal to absolute [ie. not canvas-relative] coordinates in the destination surface. On G80+, an offset can be added to the coordinates. The offset is set by the PATTERN_OFFSET method:
- mthd 0x02b0: PATTERN_OFFSET [*_2D]
- Sets the pattern offset. bits 0-5: X offset bits 8-13: Y offset
- Operation:
The offset values are added to the destination surface X, Y coordinates to obtain px, py coordinates.
Bitmap pattern¶
The bitmap pattern is made of three parts:
- two-color palette
- 64 bits of pattern: each bit describes one pixel of the pattern and selects which color to use
- shape selector: determines whether the bitmap is 8x8, 64x1, or 1x64
The color to use for given pattern coordinates is selected as follows:
b6 bit;
if (shape == 8x8)
bit = (py&7) << 3 | (px&7);
else if (shape == 64x1)
bit = px & 0x3f;
else if (shape == 1x64)
bit = py & 0x3f;
b1 pixel = PATTERN_BITMAP[bit[5]][bit[0:4]];
color = PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[pixel];
On NV1:NV4, the color is internally stored in A8R10G10B10 format and upconverted from the source format when submitted. On NV4:G80, it’s stored in the original format it was submitted with, and is annotated with the format information as of the submission. On G80+, it’s also stored as it was submitted, but is not annotated with format information - the format used to interpret it is the most recent pattern color format submitted.
On NV1:G80, the color and bitmap formats are stored in graph options for the PATTERN object. On G80+, they’re part of main graph state instead.
The methods dealing with bitmap patterns are:
- mthd 0x300: COLOR_FORMAT [NV1_PATTERN] [NV4-]
- Sets the color format used for subsequent bitmap pattern colors. One of:
- 1: X16A8Y8 2: X16A1R5G5B5 3: A8R8G8B8
- Operation::
- switch (param) {
- case 1: cur_grobj.color_format = X16A8Y8; break; case 2: cur_grobj.color_format = X16A1R5G5B5; break; case 3: cur_grobj.color_format = A8R8G8B8; break; default: throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- mthd 0x300: COLOR_FORMAT [NV4_PATTERN]
- Sets the color format used for subsequent bitmap pattern colors. One of:
- 1: A16R5G6B5 2: X16A1R5G5B5 3: A8R8G8B8
- Operation::
- if (NV1:NV4) {
- switch (param) {
- case 1: cur_grobj.color_format = A16R5G6B5; break; case 2: cur_grobj.color_format = X16A1R5G5B5; break; case 3: cur_grobj.color_format = A8R8G8B8; break; default: throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- } else {
SHADOW_COMP2D.PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT = param; switch (param) {
case 1: PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT = A16R5G6B5; break; case 2: PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT = X16A1R5G5B5; break; case 3: PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT = A8R8G8B8; break; default: throw(INVALID_ENUM);}
- mthd 0x2e8: PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT [G80_2D]
- Sets the color format used for bitmap pattern colors. One of:
- 0: A16R5G6B5 1: X16A1R5G5B5 2: A8R8G8B8 3: X16A8Y8 4: ??? [XXX] 5: ??? [XXX]
- Operation::
- if (param < 6)
- else
- throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- mthd 0x304: BITMAP_FORMAT [*_PATTERN] [NV4-]
- Sets the bitmap format used for subsequent pattern bitmaps. One of:
- 1: LE 2: CGA6
- Operation::
- if (NV4:G80) {
- switch (param) {
- case 1: cur_grobj.bitmap_format = LE; break; case 2: cur_grobj.bitmap_format = CGA6; break; default: throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- } else {
- switch (param) {
- case 1: PATTERN_BITMAP_FORMAT = LE; break; case 2: PATTERN_BITMAP_FORMAT = CGA6; break; default: throw(INVALID_ENUM);
- Sets the bitmap format used for pattern bitmaps. One of:
- 0: LE 1: CGA6
- Operation::
- if (param < 2)
- else
- throw(INVALID_ENUM);
mthd 0x310+i*4, i<2: BITMAP_COLOR [*_PATTERN] mthd 0x2f0+i*4, i<2: PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR [*_2D]
Sets the colors used for bitmap pattern. i=0 sets the color used for pixels corresponding to ‘0’ bits in the pattern, i=1 sets the color used for ‘1’.
- Operation::
- if (NV1:NV4) {
- PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i].B = get_color_b10(cur_grobj, param); PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i].G = get_color_b10(cur_grobj, param); PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i].R = get_color_b10(cur_grobj, param); PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i].A = get_color_b8(cur_grobj, param);
- } else if (NV4:G80) {
- PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i] = param; /* XXX: details */ CONTEXT_FORMAT.PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR[i] = cur_grobj.color_format;
- } else {
mthd 0x318+i*4, i<2: BITMAP [*_PATTERN] mthd 0x2f8+i*4, i<2: PATTERN_BITMAP [*_2D]
Sets the pattern bitmap. i=0 sets bits 0-31, i=1 sets bits 32-63.
- Operation::
tmp = param; if (cur_grobj.BITMAP_FORMAT == CGA6 && NV1:G80) { /* XXX: check if also NV4+ */
- /* pattern stored internally in LE format - for CGA6, reverse
- bits in all bytes */
tmp = (tmp & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1 | (tmp & 0x55555555) << 1; tmp = (tmp & 0xcccccccc) >> 2 | (tmp & 0x33333333) << 2; tmp = (tmp & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4 | (tmp & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4;
} PATTERN_BITMAP[i] = tmp;
Color pattern¶
The color pattern is always an 8x8 array of R8G8B8 colors. It is stored and uploaded as an array of 64 cells in raster scan - the color for pattern coordinates (px, py) is taken from PATTERN_COLOR[(py&7) << 3 | (px&7)]. There are 4 sets of methods that set the pattern, corresponding to various color formats. Each set of methods updates the same state internally and converts the written values to R8G8B8 if necessary. Color pattern is available on NV4+ only.
mthd 0x400+i*4, i<16: COLOR_Y8 [NV4_PATTERN] mthd 0x500+i*4, i<16: PATTERN_COLOR_Y8 [*_2D]
Sets 4 color pattern cells, from Y8 source. bits 0-7: color for pattern cell i*4+0 bits 8-15: color for pattern cell i*4+1 bits 16-23: color for pattern cell i*4+2 bits 24-31: color for pattern cell i*4+3
- Operation::
- PATTERN_COLOR[4*i] = Y8_to_R8G8B8(param[0:7]); PATTERN_COLOR[4*i+1] = Y8_to_R8G8B8(param[8:15]); PATTERN_COLOR[4*i+2] = Y8_to_R8G8B8(param[16:23]); PATTERN_COLOR[4*i+3] = Y8_to_R8G8B8(param[24:31]);
mthd 0x500+i*4, i<32: COLOR_R5G6B5 [NV4_PATTERN] mthd 0x400+i*4, i<32: PATTERN_COLOR_R5G6B5 [*_2D]
Sets 2 color pattern cells, from R5G6B5 source. bits 0-15: color for pattern cell i*2+0 bits 16-31: color for pattern cell i*2+1
- Operation::
- PATTERN_COLOR[2*i] = R5G6B5_to_R8G8B8(param[0:15]); PATTERN_COLOR[2*i+1] = R5G6B5_to_R8G8B8(param[16:31]);
mthd 0x600+i*4, i<32: COLOR_X1R5G5B5 [NV4_PATTERN] mthd 0x480+i*4, i<32: PATTERN_COLOR_X1R5G5B5 [*_2D]
Sets 2 color pattern cells, from X1R5G5B5 source. bits 0-15: color for pattern cell i*2+0 bits 16-31: color for pattern cell i*2+1
- Operation::
- PATTERN_COLOR[2*i] = X1R5G5B5_to_R8G8B8(param[0:15]); PATTERN_COLOR[2*i+1] = X1R5G5B5_to_R8G8B8(param[16:31]);
mthd 0x700+i*4, i<64: COLOR_X8R8G8B8 [NV4_PATTERN] mthd 0x300+i*4, i<64: PATTERN_COLOR_X8R8G8B8 [*_2D]
Sets a color pattern cell, from X8R8G8B8 source.
- Operation::
- PATTERN_COLOR[i] = param[0:23];
precise upconversion formulas