Code virtual memory¶
On v3+, the falcon code segment uses primitive paging/VM via simple reverse page table. The page size is 0x100 bytes.
The physical<->virtual address mapping information is stored in hidden TLB memory. There is one TLB cell for each physical code page, and it specifies the virtual address corresponding to it + some flags. The flags are:
- bit 0: usable. Set if page is mapped and complete.
- bit 1: busy. Set if page is mapped, but is still being uploaded.
- bit 2: secret. Set if page contains secret code. [see Cryptographic coprocessor]
check interaction of secret / usable flags and entering/exitting auth mode
A TLB entry is considered valid if any of the three flags is set. Whenever a virtual address is accessed, the TLBs are scanned for a valid entry with matching virtual address. The physical page whost TLB matched is then used to complete the access. It’s an error if no page matched, or if there’s more than one match.
The number of physical pages in the code segment can be determined by looking at UC_CAPS register, bits 0-8. Number of usable bits in virtual page index can be determined by looking at UC_CAPS2 register, bits 16-19. Ie. valid virtual addresses of pages are 0 .. (1 << (UC_CAPS2[16:19])) * 0x100.
The TLBs can be modified/accessed in 6 ways:
- executing code - reads TLB corresponding to current $pc
- PTLB - looks up TLB for a given physical page
- VTLB - looks up TLB for a given virtual page
- ITLB - invalidates TLB of a given physical page
- uploading code via IO access window
- uploading code via xfer
We’ll denote the flags of TLB entry of physical page i as TLB[i].flags, and the virtual page index as TLB[i].virt.
TLB operations: PTLB, VTLB, ITLB¶
These operations take 24-bit parameters, and except for ITLB return a 32-bit result. They can be called from falcon microcode as instructions, or through IO ports.
ITLB(physidx) clears the TLB entry corresponding to a specified physical page. The page is specified as page index. ITLB, however, cannot clear pages containing secret code - the page has to be reuploaded from scratch with non-secret data first.
void ITLB(b24 physidx) {
if (!(TLB[physidx].flags & 4)) {
TLB[physidx].flags = 0;
TLB[physidx].virt = 0;
PTLB(physidx) returns the TLB of a given physical page. The format of the result is:
- bits 0-7: 0
- bits 8-23: virtual page index
- bits 24-26: flags
- bits 27-31: 0
b32 PTLB(b24 physidx) {
return TLB[physidx].flags << 24 | TLB[physidx].virt << 8;
VTLB(virtaddr) returns the TLB that covers a given virtual address. The result is:
- bits 0-7: physical page index
- bits 8-23: 0
- bits 24-26: flags, ORed across all matches
- bit 30: set if >1 TLB matches [multihit error]
- bit 31: set if no TLB matches [no hit error]
b32 VTLB(b24 virtaddr) {
phys = 0;
flags = 0;
matches = 0;
for (i = 0; i < UC_CAPS.CODE_PAGES; i++) {
if (TLB[i].flags && TLB[i].virt == (virtaddr >> 8 & ((1 << UC_CAPS2.VM_PAGES_LOG2) - 1))) {
flags |= TLB[i].flags;
phys = i;
res = phys | flags << 24;
if (matches == 0)
res |= 0x80000000;
if (matches > 1)
res |= 0x40000000;
return res;
Executing TLB operations through IO¶
The three *TLB operations can be executed by poking TLB_CMD register. For PTLB and VTLB, the result will then be visible in TLB_CMD_RES register:
- MMIO 0x140 / I[0x05000]: TLB_CMD
Runs a given TLB command on write, returns last value written on read.
- bits 0-23: Parameter to the TLB command
- bits 24-25: TLB command to execute
- 1: ITLB
- 2: PTLB
- 3: VTLB
- MMIO 0x144 / I[0x05100]: TLB_CMD_RES
- Read-only, returns the result of the last PTLB or VTLB operation launched through TLB_CMD.
TLB readout instructions: ptlb, vtlb¶
These instructions run the corresponding TLB readout commands and return their results.
- Instructions:
Name Description Present on Subopcode ptlb run PTLB operation v3+ units 2 vtlb run VTLB operation v3+ units 3 - Instruction class:
- unsized
- Operands:
- Forms:
Form Opcode R1, R2 fe - Operation:
if (op == ptlb) DST = PTLB(SRC); else DST = VTLB(SRC);
TLB invalidation instruction: itlb¶
This instructions runs the ITLB command.
- Instructions:
Name Description Present on Subopcode itlb run ITLB operation v3+ units 8 - Instruction class:
- unsized
- Operands:
- Forms:
Form Opcode R2 f9 - Operation:
VM usage on code execution¶
Whenever instruction fetch is attempted, the VTLB operation is done on fetch address. If it returns no-hit or multihit error, a trap is generated and the $tstatus reason field is set to 0xa [for no-hit] or 0xb [for multihit]. Note that, if the faulting instruction happens to cross a page bounduary and the second page triggered a fault, the $pc register saved in $tstatus wiill not point to the page that faulted.
If no error was triggered, flag 0 [usable] is checked. If it’s set, the access is finished using the physical page found by VTLB. If usable isn’t set, but flag 1 [busy] is set, the fetch is paused and will be retried when TLBs are modified in any way. Otherwise, flag 2 [secret] must be the only flag set. In this case, a switch to authenticated mode is attempted - see Cryptographic coprocessor for details.
Code upload and peeking¶
Code can be uploaded in two ways: direct upload via a window in IO space, or by an xfer [see Code/data xfers to/from external memory]. The IO registers relevant are:
- MMIO 0x180 / I[0x06000]: CODE_INDEX
Selects the place in code segment accessed by CODE reg.
- bits 2-15: bits 2-15 of the physical code address to poke
- bit 24: write autoincrement flag: if set, every write to corresponding CODE register increments the address by 4
- bit 25: read autoincrement flag: like 24, but for reads
- bit 28: secret: if set, will attempt a switch to secret lockdown on next CODE write attempt and will mark uploaded code as secret.
- bit 29: secret lockdown [RO]: if set, currently in secret lockdown mode - CODE_INDEX cannot be modified manually until a complete page is uploaded and will auto-increment on CODE writes irrespective of write autoincrement flag. Reads will fail and won’t auto-increment.
- bit 30: secret fail [RO]: if set, entering secret lockdown failed due to attempt to start upload from not page aligned address.
- bit 31: secret reset scrubber active [RO]: if set, the window isn’t currently usable because the reset scrubber is busy.
See Cryptographic coprocessor for the secret stuff.
- MMIO 0x184 / I[0x06100]: CODE
- Writes execute CST(CODE_INDEX & 0xfffc, value); and increment the address if write autoincrement is enabled or secret lockdown is in effect. Reads return the contents of code segment at physical address CODE_INDEX & 0xfffc and increment if read autoincrement is enabled and secret lockdown is not in effect. Attempts to read from physical code pages with the secret flag will return 0xdead5ec1 instead of the real contents. The values read/written are 32-bit LE numbers corresponding to 4 bytes in the code segment.
- MMIO 0x188 / I[0x06200]: CODE_VIRT
- Selects the virtual page index for uploaded code. The index is sampled when writing word 0 of each page.
CST is defined thus:
void CST(addr, value) {
physidx = addr >> 8;
// if secret lockdown needed for the page, but starting from non-0 address, fail.
if ((addr & 0xfc) != 0 && (CODE_INDEX.secret || TLB[physidx] & 4) && !CODE_INDEX.secret_lockdown)
CODE_INDEX.secret_fail = 1;
if (CODE_INDEX.secret_fail || CODE_INDEX.secret_scrubber_active) {
// nothing.
} else {
enter_lockdown = 0;
exit_lockdown = 0;
if ((addr & 0xfc) == 0) {
// if first word uploaded...
if (CODE_INDEX.secret || TLB[physidx].flags & 4) {
// if uploading secret code, or uploading code to replace secret code, enter lockdown
enter_lockdown = 1;
// store virt addr
TLB[physid].virt = CODE_VIRT;
// clear usable flag, set busy flag
TLB[physid].flags = 2;
if (CODE_INDEX.secret)
TLB[physid].flags |= 4;
code[addr] = value; // write 4 bytes to code segment
if ((addr & 0xfc) == 0xfc) {
// last word uploaded, page now complete.
exit_lockdown = 1;
// clear busy, set usable or secret
if (CODE_INDEX.secret)
TLB[physid].flags = 4;
TLB[physid].flags = 1;
if (CODE_INDEX.write_autoincrement || CODE_INDEX.secret_lockdown)
addr += 4;
if (enter_lockdown)
CODE_INDEX.secret_lockdown = 1;
if (exit_lockdown)
CODE_INDEX.secret_lockdown = 0;
In summary, to upload a single page of code:
- Set CODE_INDEX to physical_addr | 0x1000000 [and | 0x10000000 if uploading secret code]
- Set CODE_VIRT to virtual page index it should be mapped at
- Write 0x40 words to CODE
Uploading code via xfers will set TLB[physid].virt = ext_offset >> 8 and TLB[physid].flags = (secret ? 6 : 2) right after the xfer is started, then set TLB[physid].flags = (secret ? 4 : 1) when it’s complete. See Code/data xfers to/from external memory for more information.