Code/data xfers to/from external memory¶
The falcon has a builtin DMA controller that allows running asynchronous copies beteween falcon data/code segments and external memory.
An xfer request consists of the following:
- mode: code load [external -> falcon code], data load [external -> falcon data], or data store [falcon data -> external]
- external port: 0-7. Specifies which external memory space the xfer should use.
- external base: 0-0xffffffff. Shifted left by 8 bits to obtain the base address of the transfer in external memory.
- external offset: 0-0xffffffff. Offset in external memory, and for v3+ code segments, virtual address that code should be loaded at.
- local address: 0-0xffff. Offset in falcon code/data segment where data should be transferred. Physical address for code xfers.
- xfer size: 0-6 for data xfers, ignored for code xfers [always effectively 6]. The xfer copies (4<<size) bytes.
- secret flag: Secret engines code xfers only. Specifies if the xfer should load secret code.
one more unknown flag on secret engines
Note that xfer functionality is greatly enhanced on secret engines to cover copying data to/from crypto registers. See Cryptographic coprocessor for details.
xfer requests can be submitted either through special falcon instructions, or through poking IO registers. The requests are stored in a queue and processed asynchronously.
A data load xfer copies (4<<$size) bytes from external memory port $port at address ($ext_base << 8) + $ext_offset to falcon data segment at address $local_address. external offset and local address have to be aligned to the xfer size.
A code load xfer copies 0x100 bytes from external memory port $port at address ($ext_base << 8) + $ext_offset to falcon code segment at physical address $local_address. Right after queuing the transfer, the code page is marked “busy” and, for v3+, mapped to virtual address $ext_offset. If the secret flag is set, it’ll also be set for the page. When the transfer is finished, The page flags are set to “usable” for non-secret pages, or “secret” for secret pages.
xfer special registers¶
There are 3 falcon special registers that hold parameters for uc-originated xfer requests. $xdbase stores ext_base for data loads/stores, $xcbase stores ext_base for code loads. $xtargets stores the ports for various types of xfer:
- bits 0-2: port for code loads
- bits 8-10: port for data loads
- bits 12-14: port for data stores
The external memory that falcon will use depends on the particular engine. See ../graph/gf100-ctxctl/memif.txt for GF100 PGRAPH CTXCTLs, Memory interface for the other engines.
Submitting xfer requests: xcld, xdld, xdst¶
These instruction submit xfer requests of the relevant type. ext_base and port are taken from $xdbase/$xcbase and $xtargets special registers. ext_offset is taken from first operand, local_address is taken from low 16 bits of second operand, and size [for data xfers] is taken from bits 16-18 of the second operand. Secret flag is taken from $cauth bit 16.
- Instructions:
Name Description Subopcode xcld code load 4 xdld data load 5 xdst data store 6 - Instruction class:
- unsized
- Operands:
- SRC1, SRC2
- Forms:
Form Opcode R2, R1 fa - Operation:
if (op == xcld) XFER(mode=code_load, port=$xtargets[0:2], ext_base=$xcbase, ext_offset=SRC1, local_address=(SRC2&0xffff), secret=($cauth[16:16])); else if (op == xdld) XFER(mode=data_load, port=$xtargets[8:10], ext_base=$xdbase, ext_offset=SRC1, local_address=(SRC2&0xffff), size=(SRC2>>16)); else // xdst XFER(mode=data_store, port=$xtargets[12:14], ext_base=$xdbase, ext_offset=SRC1, local_address=(SRC2&0xffff), size=(SRC2>>16));
Waiting for xfer completion: xcwait, xdwait¶
These instructions wait until all xfers of the relevant type have finished.
- Instructions:
Name Description Subopcode xdwait wait for all data loads/stores to finish 3 xcwait wait for all code loads to finish 7 - Instruction class:
- unsized
- Operands:
- [none]
- Forms:
Form Opcode [no operands] f8 - Operation:
if (op == xcwait) while (XFER_ACTIVE(mode=code_load)); else while (XFER_ACTIVE(mode=data_load) || XFER_ACTIVE(mode=data_store));
Submitting xfer requests via IO space¶
There are 4 IO registers that can be used to manually submit xfer reuqests. The request is sent out by writing XFER_CTRL register, other registers have to be set beforehand.
- MMIO 0x110 / I[0x04400]: XFER_EXT_BASE
- Specifies the ext_base for the xfer that will be launched by XFER_CTRL.
- MMIO 0x114 / I[0x04500]: XFER_LOCAL_ADDRESS
- Specifies the local_address for the xfer that will be launched by XFER_CTRL.
- MMIO 0x118 / I[0x04600]: XFER_CTRL
Writing requests a new xfer with given params, reading shows the last value written + two status flags
- bit 0: pending [RO]: The last write to XFER_CTRL is still waiting for place in the queue. XFER_CTRL shouldn’t be written until this bit clears.
- bit 1: ??? [RO]
- bit 2: secret flag [secret engines only]
- bit 3: ??? [secret engines only]
- bits 4-5: mode
- 0: data load
- 1: code load
- 2: data store
- bits 8-10: size
- bits 12-14: port
figure out bit 1. Related to 0x10c?
- MMIO 0x11c / I[0x04700]: XFER_EXT_OFFSET
- Specifies the ext_offset for the xfer that will be launched by XFER_CTRL.
how to wait for xfer finish using only IO?
xfer queue status registers¶
The status of the xfer queue can be read out through an IO register:
- MMIO 0x120 / I[0x04800]: XFER_STATUS
- bit 1: busy. 1 if any data xfer is pending.
- bits 4-5: ??? writable
- bits 16-18: number of data stores pending
- bits 24-26: number of data loads pending
bits 4-5
RE and document this stuff, find if there’s status for code xfers