Tesla virtual memory¶
G80 generation cards feature an MMU that translates user-visible logical addresses to physical ones. The translation has two levels: DMA objects, which behave like x86 segments, and page tables. The translation involves the following address spaces:
logical addresses: 40-bit logical address + channel descriptor address + DMAobj address. Specifies an address that will be translated by the relevant DMAobj, and then by the page tables if DMAobj says so. All addresses appearing in FIFO command streams are logical addresses, or eventually translated to logical addresses
virtual addresses: 40-bit virtual address + channel descriptor address, specifies an address that will be looked up in the page tables of the relevant channel. Virtual addresses are always a result of logical address translation and can never be specified directly.
linear addresses: 40-bit linear address + target specifier, which can be VRAM, SYSRAM_SNOOP, or SYSRAM_NOSNOOP. They can refer to:
- VRAM: 32-bit linear addresses - high 8 bits are ignored - on-board memory of the card. Supports LSR and compression. See G80:GF100 VRAM structure and usage
- SYSRAM: 40-bit linear addresses - accessing this space will cause the card to invoke PCIE read/write transactions to the given bus address, allowing it to access system RAM or other PCI devices’ memory. SYSRAM_SNOOP uses normal PCIE transactions, SYSRAM_NOSNOOP uses PCIE transactions with the “no snoop” bit set.
Mostly, linear addresses are a result of logical address translation, but some memory areas are specified directly by their linear addresses.
12-bit tag addresses: select a cell in hidden compression tag RAM, used for compressed areas of VRAM. See G80 VRAM compression
physical address: for VRAM, the partition/subpartition/row/bank/column coordinates of a memory cell; for SYSRAM, the final bus address
kill this list in favor of an actual explanation
The VM’s job is to translate a logical address into its associated data:
- linear address
- read-only flag
- supervisor-only flag
- storage type: a special value that selects the internal structure of contained data and enables more efficient accesses by increasing cache locality
- compression mode: if set, write accesses will attempt to compress the written data and, if successful, write only a fraction of the original write size to memory and mark the tile as compressed in the hidden tag memory. Read accesses will transparently uncompress the data. Can only be used on VRAM.
- compression tag address: the address of tag cell to be used if compression is enabled. Tag memory is addressed by “cells”. Each cell is actually 0x200 tag bits. For SINGLE compression mode, every 0x10000 bytes of compressed VRAM require 1 tag cell. For DOUBLE compression mode, every 0x10000 bytes of VRAM require 2 tag cells.
- partition cycle: either short or long, affecting low-level VRAM storage
- encryption flag [G84+]: for SYSRAM, causes data to be encrypted with a simple cipher before being stored
A VM access can also end unsuccessfully due to multiple reasons, like a non present page. When that happens, a VM fault is triggered. The faulting access data is stored, and fault condition is reported to the requesting engine. Consequences of a faulted access depend on the engine.
VM users¶
VM is used by several clients, which are identified by VM client id:
A related concept is VM engine, which is a group of clients that share TLBs and stay on the same channel at any single moment. It’s possible for a client to be part of several VM engines. The engines are:
Client+engine combination doesn’t, however, fully identify the source of the access - to disambiguate that, DMA slot ids are used. The set of DMA slot ids depends on both engine and client id. The DMA slots are [engine/client/slot]:
- 0/3/0: PGRAPH context
- 0/3/3: PGRAPH COND
- 0/3/4: PGRAPH m2mf BUFFER_IN
- 0/3/5: PGRAPH m2mf BUFFER_OUT
- 0/5/1: PGRAPH TIC
- 0/5/2: PGRAPH TSC
- 0/b/0-7: PGRAPH RT 0-7
- 0/b/8: PGRAPH ZETA
- 0/b/c: PGRAPH DST2D
- 4/4/0: PEEPHOLE write
- 4/8/0: PEEPHOLE read
- 6/4/0: BAR1 write
- 6/8/0: BAR1 read
- 6/4/1: BAR3 write
- 6/8/1: BAR3 read
- 5/8/0: FIFO pushbuf read
- 5/4/1: FIFO semaphore write
- 5/8/1: FIFO semaphore read
- c/8/1: FIFO background semaphore read
- 1/6/8: PVP1 context [G80:G84]
- 7/6/4: PME context [G80:G84]
- 8/6/1: PMPEG CMD [G80:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 8/6/2: PMPEG DATA [G80:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 8/6/3: PMPEG IMAGE [G80:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 8/6/4: PMPEG context [G80:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 8/6/5: PMPEG QUERY [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- b/f/0: PCOUNTER record buffer [G84:GF100]
- 1/c/0-f: PVP2 DMA ports 0-0xf [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 9/d/0-f: PBSP DMA ports 0-0xf [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- a/e/0: PCIPHER context [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- a/e/1: PCIPHER SRC [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- a/e/2: PCIPHER DST [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- a/e/3: PCIPHER QUERY [G84:G98 G200:MCP77]
- 1/c/0-7: PPDEC falcon ports 0-7 [G98:G200 MCP77-]
- 8/6/0-7: PPPP falcon ports 0-7 [G98:G200 MCP77-]
- 9/d/0-7: PVLD falcon ports 0-7 [G98:G200 MCP77-]
- a/e/0-7: PSEC falcon ports 0-7 [G98:GT215]
- d/13/0-7: PCOPY falcon ports 0-7 [GT215-]
- e/11/0-7: PDAEMON falcon ports 0-7 [GT215-]
- 7/14/0-7: PVCOMP falcon ports 0-7 [MCP89-]
Move to engine doc?
All VM accesses are done on behalf of some “channel”. A VM channel is just a memory structure that contains the DMA objects and page directory. VM channel can be also a FIFO channel, for use by PFIFO and fifo engines and containing other data structures, or just a “bare” VM channel for use with non-fifo engines.
A channel is identified by a “channel descriptor”, which is a 30-bit number that points to the base of the channel memory structure:
- bits 0-27: bits 12-39 of channel memory structure linear address
- bits 28-29: the target specifier for channel memory structure - 0: VRAM - 1: invalid, do not use - 2: SYSRAM_SNOOP - 3: SYSRAM_NOSNOOP
The channel memory structure contains a few fixed-offset elements, as well as serving as a container for channel objects, such as DMA objects, that can be placed anywhere inside the structure. Due to the channel objects inside it, the channel structure has no fixed size, although the maximal address of channel objects is 0xffff0. Channel structure has to be aligned to 0x1000 bytes.
The original G80 channel structure has the following fixed elements:
- 0x000-0x200: RAMFC [fifo channels only]
- 0x200-0x400: DMA objects for fifo engines’ contexts [fifo channels only]
- 0x400-0x1400: PFIFO CACHE [fifo channels only]
- 0x1400-0x5400: page directory
G84+ cards instead use the following structure:
- 0x000-0x200: DMA objects for fifo engines’ contexts [fifo channels only]
- 0x200-0x4200: page directory
The channel objects are specified by 16-bit offsets from start of the channel structure in 0x10-byte units.
DMA objects¶
The only channel object type that VM subsystem cares about is DMA objects. DMA objects represent contiguous segments of either virtual or linear memory and are the first stage of VM address translation. DMA objects can be paged or unpaged. Unpaged DMA objects directly specify the target space and all attributes, merely adding the base address and checking the limit. Paged DMA objects add the base address, then look it up in the page tables. Attributes can either come from page tables, or be individually overriden by the DMA object.
DMA objects are specifid by 16-bit “selectors”. In case of fifo engines, the RAMHT is used to translate from user-visible 32-bit handles to the selectors [see RAMHT and the FIFO objects]. The selector is shifted left by 4 bits and added to channel structure base to obtain address of DMAobj structure, which is 0x18 bytes long and made of 32-bit LE words:
- word 0:
- bits 0-15: object class. Ignored by VM, but usually validated by fifo engines - should be 0x2 [read-only], 0x3 [write-only], or 0x3d [read-write]
- bits 16-17: target specifier:
- 0: VM - paged object - the logical address is to be added to the base address to obtain a virtual address, then the virtual address should be translated via the page tables
- 1: VRAM - unpaged object - the logical address should be added to the base address to directly obtain the linear address in VRAM
- 2: SYSRAM_SNOOP - like VRAM, but gives SYSRAM address
- 3: SYSRAM_NOSNOOP - like VRAM, but gives SYSRAM address and uses nosnoop transactions
- bits 18-19: read-only flag
- 0: use read-only flag from page tables [paged objects only]
- 1: read-only
- 2: read-write
- bits 20-21: supervisor-only flag
- 0: use supervisor-only flag from page tables [paged objects only]
- 1: user-supervisor
- 2: supervisor-only
- bits 22-28: storage type. If the value is 0x7f, use storage type from page
- tables, otherwise directly specifies the storage type
- bits 29-30: compression mode
- 0: no compression
- 1: SINGLE compression
- 2: DOUBLE compression
- 3: use compression mode from page tables
- bit 31: if set, is a supervisor DMA object, user DMA object otherwise
- word 1:
- bits 0-31 of limit address
- word 2:
- bits 0-31 of base address
- word 3:
- bits 0-7: bits 32-39 of base address
- bits 24-31: bits 32-39 of limit address
- word 4:
- bits 0-11: base tag address
- bits 16-27: limit tag address
- word 5:
- bits 0-15: compression base address bits 16-31 [bits 0-15 are forced to 0]
- bits 16-17: partition cycle
- 0: use partition cycle from page tables
- 1: short cycle
- 2: long cycle
- bits 18-19 [G84-]: encryption flag
- 0: not encrypted
- 1: encrypted
- 2: use encryption flag from page tables
First, DMA object selector is compared with 0. If the selector is 0, NULL_DMAOBJ fault happens. Then, the logical address is added to the base address from DMA object. The resulting address is compared with the limit address from DMA object and, if larger or equal, DMAOBJ_LIMIT fault happens. If DMA object is paged, the address is looked up in the page tables, with read-only flag, supervisor-only flag, storage type, and compression mode optionally overriden as specified by the DMA object. Otherwise, the address directly becomes the linear address. For compressed unpaged VRAM objects, the tag address is computed as follows:
- take the computed VRAM linear address and substract compression base address from it. if result is negative, force compression mode to none
- shift result right by 16 bits
- add base tag address to the result
- if result <= limit tag addres, this is the tag address to use. Else, force compression mode to none.
Places where DMA objects are bound, that is MMIO registers or FIFO methods, are commonly called “DMA slots”.
Most engines cache the most recently bound DMA object. To flush the caches, it’s usually enough to rewrite the selector register, or resubmit the selector method.
It should be noted that many engines require the DMA object’s base address to be of some specific alignment. The alignment depends on the engine and slot.
The fifo engine context dmaobjs are a special set of DMA objects worth mentioning. They’re used by the fifo engines to store per-channel state while given channel is inactive on the relevant engine. Their size and structure depend on the engine. They have fixed selectors, and hence reside at fixed positions inside the channel structure. On the original G80, the objects are:
Selector | Address | Engine |
0x0020 | 0x00200 | PGRAPH |
0x0022 | 0x00220 | PVP1 |
0x0024 | 0x00240 | PME |
0x0026 | 0x00260 | PMPEG |
On G84+ cards, they are:
Selector | Address | Present on | Engine |
0x0002 | 0x00020 | all | PGRAPH |
0x0004 | 0x00040 | VP2 | PVP2 |
0x0004 | 0x00040 | VP3- | PPDEC |
0x0006 | 0x00060 | VP2 | PMPEG |
0x0006 | 0x00060 | VP3- | PPPP |
0x0008 | 0x00080 | VP2 | PBSP |
0x0008 | 0x00080 | VP3- | PVLD |
0x000a | 0x000a0 | VP2 | PCIPHER |
0x000a | 0x000a0 | VP3 | PSEC |
0x000a | 0x000a0 | MCP89- | PVCOMP |
0x000c | 0x000c0 | GT215- | PCOPY |
Page tables¶
If paged DMA object is used, the virtual address is further looked up in page tables. The page tables are two-level. Top level is 0x800-entry page directory, where each entry covers 0x20000000 bytes of virtual address space. The page directory is embedded in the channel structure. It starts at offset 0x1400 on the original G80, at 0x200 on G84+. Each page directory entry, or PDE, is 8 bytes long. The PDEs point to page tables and specify the page table attributes. Each page table can use either small, medium [GT215-] or large pages. Small pages are 0x1000 bytes long, medium pages are 0x4000 bytes long, and large pages are 0x10000 bytes long. For small-page page tables, the size of page table can be artificially limitted to cover only 0x2000, 0x4000, or 0x8000 pages instead of full 0x20000 pages - the pages over this limit will fault. Medium- and large-page page tables always cover full 0x8000 or 0x2000 entries. Page tables of both kinds are made of 8-byte page table entries, or PTEs.
verify GT215 transition for medium pages
The PDEs are made of two 32-bit LE words, and have the following format:
word 0:
- bits 0-1: page table presence and page size
- 0: page table not present
- 1: large pages [64kiB]
- 2: medium pages [16kiB] [GT215-]
- 3: small pages [4kiB]
- bits 2-3: target specifier for the page table itself
- 0: VRAM
- 1: invalid, do not use
- bit 4: ??? [XXX: figure this out]
- bits 5-6: page table size [small pages only]
- 0: 0x20000 entries [full]
- 1: 0x8000 entries
- 2: 0x4000 entries
- 3: 0x2000 entries
- bits 12-31: page table linear address bits 12-31
word 1:
- bits 32-39: page table linear address bits 32-39
The page table start address has to be aligned to 0x1000 bytes.
The PTEs are made of two 32-bit LE words, and have the following format:
word 0:
- bit 0: page present
- bits 1-2: ??? [XXX: figure this out]
- bit 3: read-only flag
- bits 4-5: target specifier
- 0: VRAM
- 1: invalid, do not use
- bit 6: supervisor-only flag
- bits 7-9: log2 of contig block size in pages [see below]
- bits 12-31: bits 12-31 of linear address [small pages]
- bits 14-31: bits 14-31 of linear address [medium pages]
- bits 16-31: bits 16-31 of linear address [large pages]
word 1:
- bits 32-39: bits 32-39 of linear address
- bits 40-46: storage type
- bits 47-48: compression mode
- bits 49-60: compression tag address
- bit 61: partition cycle
- 0: short cycle
- 1: long cycle
- bit 62 [G84-]: encryption flag
Contig blocks are a special feature of PTEs used to save TLB space. When 2^o adjacent pages starting on 2^o page aligned bounduary map to contiguous linear addresses [and, if appropriate, contiguous tag addresses] and have identical other attributes, they can be marked as a contig block of order o, where o is 0-7. To do this, all PTEs for that range should have bits 7-9 set equal to o, and linear/tag address fields set to the linear/tag address of the first page in the contig block [ie. all PTEs belonging to contig block should be identical]. The starting linear address need not be aligned to contig block size, but virtual address has to be.
TLB flushes¶
The page table contents are cached in per-engine TLBs. To flush TLB contents, the TLB flush register 0x100c80 should be used:
- MMIO 0x100c80:
- bit 0: trigger. When set, triggers the TLB flush. Will auto-reset to 0 when flush is complete.
- bits 16-19: VM engine to flush
A flush consists of writing engine << 16 | 1 to this register and waiting until bit 0 becomes 0. However, note that G86 PGRAPH has a bug that can result in a lockup if PGRAPH TLB flush is initiated while PGRAPH is running, see graph/g80-pgraph.txt for details.
User vs supervisor accesses¶
write me
Storage types¶
write me
Compression modes¶
write me