XF instruction set¶
XF uses a VLIW instruction set. Roughly, a single instruction can do all of the following:
- Read one IBUF slot.
- Read one XFCTX slot.
- Read three source operands:
- each source can be independently selected from:
- the value read from the IBUF slot
- the value read from the XFCTX slot
- an arbitrary temporary register
- an arbitrary swizzle can be applied to each source component
- starting with NV30, each source can be optionally replaced with its absolute value
- each source can be optionally negated
- each source can be independently selected from:
- Perform one vector operation (using sources #0, #1, and maybe #2) on the ALU+MLU.
- Perform one scalar operation (using source #2) on ILU or SFU.
- Perform an optional saturation on the results.
- Write the results (with masking) to temporary registers.
- Write the results (with masking) to either the output buffers or XFCTX [NV20:NV40].
- Optionally, end vertex processing (and submit results downstream).
There are 5 instruction sets used by XF:
- Celsius ISA: used internally by Celsius GPUs as microcode to perform the fixed-function processing. Not accessible in any way from the outside, so the encoding will not be described here, but the computation primitives are roughly the same as later ISAs and will be described here.
- Kelvin ISA: used natively by Kelvin GPUs to store the instructions in XFPR RAM. Can be uploaded by the user through the Kelvin classes. Supported by Rankine GPUs in compatibility mode through dynamic translation to Rankine ISA. Corresponds to GL_NV_vertex_program extension.
- Rankine ISA: used natively by Rankine GPUs and can be uploaded through Rankine classes. Supported by NV40:NV41 in compatibility mode through dynamic translation to the combined ISA. Corresponds to GL_NV_vertex_program2 extension. Is a proper superset of the Kelvin ISA.
- Curie ISA: used natively by NV41:G80 GPUs and can be uploaded through Curie classes. Supported by NV40:NV41 mode through dynamic translation to the combined ISA. Corresponds to GL_NV_vertex_program3 extension. Is not a proper superset of the Rankine ISA.
- Combined ISA: used natively by NV40:NV41 GPUs. Cannot be directly uploaded by the user. Is more or less a sum of Rankine and Curie ISAs.
Program execution environment¶
The XF can execute the following kinds of programs:
- Simple vertex programs. Started when IDX signals that a full vertex has been written to the VAB. The VAB contents are copied to the IBUF beforehand, and when the program is done, outputs will be sent to VTX for further processing by the graphics pipeline. Multiple vertex programs can be executing in parallel at a given moment (up to 3 per VPE). The only effect of a simple vertex program is emitting a transformed vertex.
- Vertex programs with side effects [NV20:NV40]. Started just like simple vertex programs (a global mode bit determines whether a simple program or a program with side effects is launched), but can write to XFCTX in addition to their normal powers, and nothing else can be happening on XF while one is running.
- Vertex state programs [NV20:NV40]. Started by the RUN XF command. Their only input is a single vector submitted beforehand by the PARAM XF command. They have no output, and their only possible effect is updating XFCTX. Nothing else can be happening on XF while a vertex state program is being executed. Once the program completes, XF moves on to the next input command, without submitting anything downstream.
Every program has the following private state while it’s executing:
IBUF, the input buffer, read only by the program. On Celsius, is made of 7 vectors. On Kelvin and up, is made of 16 vectors. For vertex programs, contains a complete copy of VAB (except the passthrough slot) captured at the moment of program start. For vertex state programs, only the first vector is usable, and it contains a copy of VAB passthrough slot (which should have been set by XF PARAM command).
XFREG, the temporary register file. Made of 12 vector registers on Kelvin, 16 vector registers on Rankine, ??? vector registers on Curie. On Celsius, allegedly made of 8 vector registers, but it’s impossible to tell.
Starting with Kelvin, the register file is cleared to all-0 between executions. However, this clear is done after a program execution, and after an XF reset.
AREG [NV20:], the address register file. On Kelvin, this is a single signed 9-bit integer register (or maybe larger, it’s impossible to tell). On Rankine, contains 2 vector registers, each made of 4 components, where each component is a 10-bit signed integer. On Curie, is likewise made of 2 4-component vector registers, where each component is a ???-bit signed integer.
CREG [NV30:], the condition register file. On Rankine, this is a single 4-component vector register, where each component is a 2-bit condition code. The codes are:
- U: unordered (result was a NaN)
- L: less than (result was negative)
- E: equal (result was a 0)
- G: greater than (result was positive)
On Curie, this contains 2 4-component vector registers, with the same structure.
PC: the program counter. Basically, a pointer in XFPR RAM. For vertex programs, initialized from the starting PC in XFMODE or XF_PROG bundle. For vertex state program, the initial PC is sent as the payload of the RUN command.
ICNT [NV30:]: the instruction counter. Counts the number of instructions executed by the program so far. Initialized to 0 on program start. When it hits the timeout value, the program is forcibly stopped.
stack [NV30:]: an 8-slot call/return stack. On Curie, can also be used to push and pop address registers.
TBUF: the main output buffer. Write only by the program, contains data to be sent to VTX once the program is done. On Celsius, made of 5 float vectors. On Kelvin and up, made of 16 float vectors.
STPOS [NV20:NV40?]: shadow TBUF position. A single vector register that receives a copy of anything written to TBUF slot 0 and can be read back by the program. Used on Kelvin to implement viewport transformation transparently wrt user shaders.
WBUF [NV10:NV30]: one of the LT output buffers. Write only by the program, contains data to be sent to LT once the program is done. Made of 17 3-component vectors of 22-bit floats. While it can be written by user programs, it is only useful for fixed function processing.
VBUF [NV10:NV30]: the other LT output buffer. Like WBUF, except has 13 entries instead of 17.
UBUF [NV30:NV40]: the unified LT output buffer. Same purpose as WBUF and VBUF, but is made of 10 5-component vectors of 22-bit floats.
NV34 (and presumably all Kelvins and Rankines) have SIPOS, which is a copy of the first IBUF word with unknown purpose.
In addition, all running programs have access to the following shared resources:
- mode bits (XFMODE or state bundles): control various aspects of XF operation.
- XFCTX: the context RAM. Contains state used by fixed-function transform, as well as parameters to user-defined programs. Can be read by all types of programs, and can be written by vertex programs with side effects and by vertex state programs.
- XFPR [NV20:]: the program code RAM. Contains the code of user-defined programs.
- XTRA [NV30:NV41]: ??? contains 2 vectors of 8 9-bit numbers.
- TIMEOUT [NV30:]: a 16-bit number specifying the maximal number of instructions that a single program is allowed to execute. On Curie, this is part of the state bundles, but on Rankine it’s a standalone piece of state.
- XFTEX [NV40:]: 4 textures with limitted functionality available for sampling by programs.
Instruction encoding and storage¶
User-submitted instructions are stored in the XFPR RAM, which is:
- on Kelvin: a global array of 0x88 92-bit words in Kelvin ISA encoding.
- on Rankine: a global array of 0x118 112-bit words in Rankine ISA encoding.
- on NV40:NV41: a per-VPE array of 0x220 144-bit words in combined ISA encoding.
- on NV41:G80: a per-VPE array of 0x220 127-bit words in Curie ISA encoding.
On NV10:NV41, the XF unit also has instruction ROM with programs for fixed-function processing, but it is not accessible in any way.
The instruction words are encoded as follows:
Kelvin | Rankine | combined | Curie | Field |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | END |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | XFCTX_INDEXED |
2 | - | - | - | OUT_IS_SCA |
3-10 | 2-10 | 2-6 | 2-6 | OUT_ADDR |
11 | 11 | - | - | OUT_TARGET |
12-15 | - | - | - | OUT_WM |
- | 12-15 | 132-135 | - | OUT_WM_VEC |
- | 16-19 | 128-131 | - | OUT_WM_SCA |
- | - | 7-12 | 7-12 | DST_SCA |
24-27 | 20-23 | 13-16 | 13-16 | DST_WM_VEC |
20-23 | 112-116 | - | - | DST |
16-19 | 24-27 | 17-20 | 17-20 | DST_WM_SCA |
- | - | 111-116 | 111-116 | DST_VEC |
28-42 | 28-42 | 21-37 | 21-37 | SRC2 |
43-57 | 43-57 | 38-54 | 38-54 | SRC1 |
58-72 | 58-72 | 55-71 | 55-71 | SRC0 |
73-76 | 73-76 | 72-75 | 72-75 | IBUF_ADDR |
- | 77 | - | - | ??? |
77-84 | 78-86 | 76-85 | 76-85 | XFCTX_ADDR |
85-88 | 87-91 | 86-90 | 86-90 | OP_VEC |
89-91 | 92-96 | 91-95 | 91-95 | OP_SCA |
- | 97-98 | 96-97 | 96-97 | ASRC_SWZ |
- | 99-106 | 98-105 | 98-105 | CSRC_SWZ |
- | 107-109 | 106-108 | 106-108 | COND_TEST |
- | 110 | 109 | 109 | COND_ENABLE |
- | 111 | 110 | 110 | CDST_WM |
- | 117 | 117 | 117 | SRC0_ABS |
- | 118 | 118 | 118 | SRC1_ABS |
- | 119 | 119 | 119 | SRC2_ABS |
- | 120 | 120 | 120 | ASRC |
- | 121 | - | - | unused? |
- | - | 121 | 121 | CSRCDST |
- | - | 122 | 122 | SAT |
- | - | 123 | 123 | IBUF_INDEXED |
- | - | 124 | 124 | OUT_INDEXED |
- | ? | 125 | 125 | CDST_IS_VEC |
- | - | 126 | 126 | OUT_IS_VEC |
- | - | 127 | - | WAS_CURIE |
SRC* fields are further subdivided as follows:
Kelvin | Rankine | combined | Curie | Field |
0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 | SRCx_MUX |
2-5 | 2-5 | 2-7 | 2-7 | SRCx_REG |
6-13 | 6-13 | 8-15 | 8-15 | SRCx_SWZ |
14 | 14 | 16 | 16 | SRCx_NEG |
8-bit SWZ fields represent vector swizzles and are made of the following subfields:
- bits 0-1: W
- bits 2-3: Z
- bits 4-5: Y
- bits 6-7: X
RDI access¶
write me
Instruction execution¶
Reading sources¶
write me
Writing outputs¶
write me
Output addresses¶
write me
The vector opcodes are:
- 0x00: NOP
- 0x01: MOV
- 0x02: MUL
- 0x03: ADD
- 0x04: MAD
- 0x05: DP3
- 0x06: DPH
- 0x07: DP4
- 0x08: DST [NV20:]
- 0x09: MIN [NV20:]
- 0x0a: MAX [NV20:]
- 0x0b: SLT [NV20:]
- 0x0c: SGE [NV20:]
- 0x0d: ARL [NV20:]
- 0x0e: FRC [NV30:]
- 0x0f: FLR [NV30:]
- 0x10: SEQ [NV30:]
- 0x11: SFL [NV30:]
- 0x12: SGT [NV30:]
- 0x13: SLE [NV30:]
- 0x14: SNE [NV30:]
- 0x15: STR [NV30:]
- 0x16: SSG [NV30:]
- 0x17: ARR [NV30:]
- 0x18: ARA [NV30:]
- 0x19: TXL [NV40:]
The scalar opcodes are:
- 0x00: NOP
- 0x01: MOV
- 0x02: RCP
- 0x03: RCC
- 0x04: RSQ
- 0x05: EXP [NV20:]
- 0x06: LOG [NV20:]
- 0x07: LIT [NV20:]
- 0x08: ??? [NV30:]
- 0x09: BRA [NV30:]
- 0x0a: ??? [NV30:]
- 0x0b: CAL [NV30:]
- 0x0c: RET [NV30:]
- 0x0d: LG2 [NV30:]
- 0x0e: EX2 [NV30:]
- 0x0f: SIN [NV30:]
- 0x10: COS [NV30:]
- 0x11: ??? [NV40:]
- 0x12: ??? [NV40:]
- 0x13: PUSHA [NV40:]
- 0x14: POPA [NV40:]
write me
XFPR command¶
write me
Kelvin -> Rankine ISA conversion¶
write me
Rankine -> combined ISA conversion¶
write me
Curie -> combined ISA conversion¶
write me
Instruction upload methods¶
write me