Texture instructions¶
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Automatic texture load: texauto¶
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texauto [deriv] live/all <texargs>
Does a texture fetch. Inputs are: x, y, z, array index, dref [skip all
that your current sampler setup doesn't use]. x, y, z, dref are floats,
array index is integer. If running in FP or the deriv flag is on,
derivatives are computed based on coordinates in all threads of current
quad. Otherwise, derivatives are assumed 0. For FP, if the live flag
is on, the tex instruction is only run for fragments that are going to
be actually written to the render target, ie. for ones that are inside
the rendered primitive and haven't been discarded yet. all executes
the tex even for non-visible fragments, which is needed if they're going
to be used for further derivatives, explicit or implicit.
Raw texel fetch: texfetch¶
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texfetch live/all <texargs>
A single-texel fetch. The inputs are x, y, z, index, lod, and are all
Texture load with LOD bias: texbias¶
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texbias [deriv] live/all <texargs>
Same as texauto, except takes an additional [last] float input specifying
the LOD bias to add. Note that bias needs to be the same for all threads
in the current quad executing the texbias insn.
Texture load with manual LOD: texlod¶
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Does a texture fetch with given coordinates and LOD. Inputs are like
texbias, except you have explicit LOD instead of the bias. Just like
in texbias, the LOD should be the same for all threads involved.
Texture size query: texsize¶
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texsize live/all <texargs>
Gives you (width, height, depth, mipmap level count) in output, takes
integer LOD parameter as its only input.
Texture cube calculations: texprep¶
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Texture LOD query: texquerylod¶
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Texture CSAA load: texcsaa¶
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Texture quad load: texgather¶
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