Floating point instructions¶
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Addition: fadd¶
write me
add [sat] rn/rz f32 DST SRC1 SRC2
Adds two floating point numbers together.
Multiplication: fmul¶
write me
mul [sat] rn/rz f32 DST SRC1 SRC2
Multiplies two floating point numbers together
Multiply+add: fmad¶
write me
add f32 DST mul SRC1 SRC2 SRC3
A multiply-add instruction. With intermediate rounding. Nothing
interesting. DST = SRC1 * SRC2 + SRC3;
Min/max: fmin, fmax¶
write me
min f32 DST SRC1 SRC2
max f32 DST SRC1 SRC2
Sets DST to the smaller/larger of two SRC1 operands. If one operand is NaN,
DST is set to the non-NaN operand. If both are NaN, DST is set to NaN.
Comparison: fset¶
write me
set [CDST] DST <cmpop> f32 SRC1 SRC2
Does given comparison operation on SRC1 and SRC2. DST is set to 0xffffffff
if comparison evaluats true, 0 if it evaluates false. if used, CDST.SZ are
set according to DST.
Selection: fslct¶
write me
slct b32 DST SRC1 SRC2 f32 SRC3
Sets DST to SRC1 if SRC3 is positive or 0, to SRC2 if SRC3 negative or NaN.