.. _pdisplay-daemon: ============================ PDISPLAY's monitoring engine ============================ .. contents:: .. todo:: write me Introduction ============ .. todo:: write me .. _pdisplay-daemon-falcon: falcon parameters ================= Present on: v0: GF119:GK104 v1: GK104:GK110 v2: GK110+ BAR0 address: 0x627000 PMC interrupt line: 26 [shared with the rest of PDISPLAY], also INTR_HOST_SUMMARY bit 8 PMC enable bit: 30 [all of PDISPLAY] Version: v0,v1: 4 v2: 4.1 Code segment size: 0x4000 Data segment size: 0x2000 Fifo size: 3 Xfer slots: 8 Secretful: no Code TLB index bits: 8 Code ports: 1 Data ports: 4 Version 4 unknown caps: 31, 27 Unified address space: no IO adressing type: full Core clock: ??? Fermi VM engine: none Fermi VM client: HUB 0x03 [shared with rest of PDISPLAY] Interrupts: ===== ===== ========== ========= =============== Line Type Present on Name Description ===== ===== ========== ========= =============== 12 level all PDISPLAY DISPLAY_DAEMON-routed interrupt 13 level all FIFO 14 level all ??? 520? 524 apparently not required 15 level v1- PNVIO DISPLAY_DAEMON-routed interrupt, but also 554? ===== ===== ========== ========= =============== Status bits: ===== ====== ============ Bit Name Description ===== ====== ============ 0 FALCON :ref:`Falcon unit ` 1 MEMIF :ref:`Memory interface ` ===== ====== ============ IO registers: :ref:`pdisplay-daemon-mmio` .. todo:: more interrupts? .. todo:: interrupt refs .. todo:: MEMIF interrupts .. todo:: determine core clock .. _pdisplay-daemon-mmio: MMIO registers ============== ================= ========== ============ ============ Address Present on Name Description ================= ========== ============ ============ 0x627000:0x627400 all N/A :ref:`Falcon registers ` 0x627400 all ??? [alias of 610018] 0x627440+i*4 all FIFO_PUT 0x627450+i*4 all FIFO_GET 0x627460 all FIFO_INTR 0x627464 all FIFO_INTR_EN 0x627470+i*4 all RFIFO_PUT 0x627480+i*4 all RFIFO_GET 0x627490 all RFIFO_STATUS 0x6274a0 v1- ??? [ffffffff/ffffffff/0] 0x627500+i*4 all ??? 0x627520 v1-? ??? interrupt 14 0x627524 v1- ??? [0/ffffffff/0] 0x627550 v1- ??? [2710/ffffffff/0] 0x627554 v1- ??? interrupt 15 [0/1/0] 0x627600:0x627680 all MEMIF :ref:`Memory interface ` 0x627680:0x627700 all \- [alias of 627600+] ================= ========== ============ ============ .. todo:: refs