=========================== Overview of the 2D pipeline =========================== .. contents:: Introduction ============ On nvidia GPUs, 2d operations are done by PGRAPH engine [see graph/intro.txt]. The 2d engine is rather orthogonal and has the following features: - various data sources: - solid color shapes (points, lines, triangles, rectangles) - pixels uploaded directly through command stream, raw or expanded using a palette - text with in-memory fonts [NV3:G80] - rectangles blitted from another area of video memory - pixels read by DMA - linearly and quadratically textured quads [NV1:NV3] - color format conversions - chroma key - clipping rectangles - per-pixel operations between source, destination, and pattern: - logic operations - alpha and beta blending - pre-multiplied alpha blending [NV4-] - plane masking [NV1:NV4] - dithering - data output: - to the framebuffer [NV1:NV3] - to any surface in VRAM [NV3:G84] - to arbirary memory [G84-] The objects =========== The 2d engine is controlled by the user via PGRAPH objects. On NV1:G84, each piece of 2d functionality has its own object class - a matching set of objects needs to be used together to perform an operation. G80+ have a unified 2d engine object that can be used to control all of the 2d pipeline in one place. The non-unified objects can be divided into 3 classes: - source objects: control the drawing operation, choose pixels to draw and their colors - context objects: control various pipeline settings shared by other objects - operation objects: connect source and context objects together The source objects are: - :ref:`POINT `, :ref:`LIN `, :ref:`LINE `, :ref:`TRI `, :ref:`RECT `: drawing of solid color shapes - :ref:`IFC `, :ref:`BITMAP `, :ref:`SIFC `, :ref:`INDEX `, :ref:`TEXTURE `: drawing of pixel data from CPU - :ref:`BLIT `: copying rectangles from another area of video memory - :ref:`IFM `, :ref:`SIFM `: drawing pixel data from DMA - :ref:`GDI `: Drawing solid rectangles and text fonts - :ref:`TEXLIN `, :ref:`TEXQUAD `, :ref:`TEXLINBETA `, :ref:`TEXQUADBETA `: Drawing textured quads The context objects are: - :ref:`BETA `: blend factor - :ref:`ROP `: logic operation - :ref:`CHROMA `: color for chroma key - :ref:`PLANE `: color for plane mask - :ref:`CLIP `: clipping rectangle - :ref:`PATTERN `: repeating pattern image [graph/pattern.txt] - :ref:`BETA4 `: pre-multiplied blend factor - :ref:`SURF `, :ref:`SURF2D `, :ref:`SWZSURF `: destination and blit source surface setup The operation objects are: - OP_CLIP: clipping operation - OP_BLEND_AND: blending - OP_ROP_AND: logic operation - OP_CHROMA: color key - OP_SRCCOPY_AND: source copy with 0-alpha discard - OP_SRCCOPY: source copy - OP_SRCCOPY_PREMULT: pre-multiplying copy - OP_BLEND_PREMULT: pre-multiplied blending The unified 2d engine objects are described below. The objects that, although related to 2d operations, aren't part of the usual 2d pipeline: - :ref:`ITM `: downloading framebuffer data to DMA - :ref:`M2MF `: DMA to DMA copies - :ref:`DVD_SUBPICTURE `: blending of YUV data Note that, although multiple objects of a single kind may be created, there is only one copy of pipeline state data in PGRAPH. There are thus two usage possibilities: - aliasing: all objects on a channel access common pipeline state, making it mostly useless to create several objects of single kind - swapping: the kernel driver or some other piece of software handles PGRAPH interrupts, swapping pipeline configurations as they're needed, and marking objects valid/not valid according to currently loaded configuration Connecting the objects - NV1 style ---------------------------------- The objects were originally intended and designed for connecting with so-called patchcords. A patchcord is a dummy object that's conceptually a wire carrying some sort of data. The patchcord types are: - image patchcord: carries pixel color data - beta patchcord: carries beta blend factor data - zeta patchcord: carries pixel depth data - rop patchcord: carries logic operation data Each 2d object has patchcord "slots" representing its inputs and outputs. A slot is represented by an object methods. Objects are connected together by creating a patchcord of appropriate type and writing its handle to the input slot method on one object and the output slot method on the other object. For example: - source objects have an output image patchcord slot [BLIT also has input image slot] - BETA context object has an output beta slot - OP_BLEND_AND has two image input slots, one beta input slot, and one image output slot A valid set of objects, called a "patch" is constructed by connecting patchcords appropriately. Not all possible connections ara valid, though. Only ones that map to the actual hardware pipeline are allowed: one of the source objects must be at the beginning, connected via image patchcord to OP_BLEND_*, OP_ROP_AND, or OP_SRCCOPY_*, optionally connected further through OP_CLIP and/or OP_CHROMA, then finally connected to a SURF object representing the destination surface. Each of the OP_* objects and source objects that needs it must also be connected to the appropriate extra inputs, like the CLIP rectangle, PATTERN or another SURF, or CHROMA key. No GPU has ever supported connecting patchcords in hardware - the software must deal with all required processing and state swapping. However, NV4:NV20 hardware knows of the methods reserved for these purpose, and raises a special interrupt when they're called. The OP_*, while lacking in any useful hardware methods, are also supported on NV4:NV5. Connecting the objects - NV5 style ---------------------------------- A new way of connecting objects was designed for NV5 [but can be used with earlier cards via software emulation]. Instead of treating a patch as a freeform set of objects, the patch is centered on the source object. While context objects are still in use, operation objects are skipped - the set of operations to perform is specified at the source object, instead of being implid by the patchcord topology. The context objects are now connected directly to the source object by writing their handles to appropriate source object methods. The OP_CLIP and OP_CHROMA functionality is replaced by CLIP and CHROMA methods on the source objects: enabling clipping/color keying is done by connecting appropriate context object, while disabling is done by connecting a NULL object. The remaining operation objects are replaced by OPERATION method, which takes an enum selecting the operation to perform. NV5 added support for the NV5-style connections in hardware - all methods can be processed without software assistance as long as only one object of each type is in use [or they're allowed to alias]. If swapping is required, it's the responsibility of software. The new methods can be globally disabled if NV1-style connections are desired, however. NV5-style connections can also be implemented for older GPUs simply by handling the relevant methods in software. .. _graph-2d-format-config: Color and monochrome formats ============================ .. todo:: write me COLOR_FORMAT methods -------------------- mthd 0x300: COLOR_FORMAT [NV1_CHROMA, NV1_PATTERN] [NV4-] Sets the color format using NV1 color enum. Operation:: cur_grobj.COLOR_FORMAT = get_nv1_color_format(param); .. todo:: figure out this enum mthd 0x300: COLOR_FORMAT [NV4_CHROMA, NV4_PATTERN] Sets the color format using NV4 color enum. Operation:: cur_grobj.COLOR_FORMAT = get_nv4_color_format(param); .. todo:: figure out this enum Color format conversions ------------------------ .. todo:: write me Monochrome formats ------------------ .. todo:: write me mthd 0x304: MONO_FORMAT [NV1_PATTERN] [NV4-] Sets the monochrome format. Operation:: if (param != LE && param != CGA6) throw(INVALID_ENUM); cur_grobj.MONO_FORMAT = param; .. todo:: check .. _graph-2d-pipe-config: The pipeline ============ The 2d pipeline consists of the following stages, in order: 1. Image source: one of the source objects, or one of the three source types on the unified 2d objects [SOLID, SIFC, or BLIT] - see documentation of the relevant object 2. Clipping 3. Source color conversion 4. One of: 1. Bitwise operation subpipeline, soncisting of: 1. Optionally, an arbitrary bitwise operation done on the source, the destination, and the pattern. 2. Optionally, a color key operation 3. Optionally, a plane mask operation [NV1:NV4] 2. Blending operation subpipeline, consisting of: 1. Blend factor calculation 2. Blending 5. Dithering 6. Destination write In addition, the pipeline may be used in RGB mode [treating colors as made of R, G, B components], or index mode [treating colors as 8-bit palette index]. The pipeline mode is determined automatically by the hardware based on source and destination formats and some configuration bits. The pixels are rendered to a destination buffer. On NV1:NV4, more than one destination buffer may be enabled at a time. If this is the case, the pixel operations are executed separately for each buffer. Pipeline configuration: NV1 --------------------------- The pipeline configuration is stored in graph options and other PGRAPH registers. It cannot be changed by user-visible commands other than via rebinding objects. The following options are stored in the graph object: - the operation, one of: - RPOP_DS - RPOP(DST, SRC) - ROP_SDD - ROP(SRC, DST, DST) - ROP_DSD - ROP(DST, SRC, DST) - ROP_SSD - ROP(SRC, SRC, DST) - ROP_DDS - ROP(DST, DST, SRC) - ROP_SDS - ROP(SRC, DST, SRC) - ROP_DSS - ROP(DST, SRC, SRC) - ROP_SSS - ROP(SRC, SRC, SRC) - ROP_SSS_ALT - ROP(SRC, SRC, SRC) - ROP_PSS - ROP(PAT, SRC, SRC) - ROP_SPS - ROP(SRC, PAT, SRC) - ROP_PPS - ROP(PAT, PAT, SRC) - ROP_SSP - ROP(SRC, SRC, PAT) - ROP_PSP - ROP(PAT, SRC, PAT) - ROP_SPP - ROP(SRC, PAT, PAT) - RPOP_SP - ROP(SRC, PAT) - ROP_DSP - ROP(DST, SRC, PAT) - ROP_SDP - ROP(SRC, DST, PAT) - ROP_DPS - ROP(DST, PAT, SRC) - ROP_PDS - ROP(PAT, DST, SRC) - ROP_SPD - ROP(SRC, PAT, DST) - ROP_PSD - ROP(PAT, SRC, DST) - SRCCOPY - SRC [no operation] - BLEND_DS_AA - BLEND(DST, SRC, SRC.ALPHA^2) [XXX check] - BLEND_DS_AB - BLEND(DST, SRC, SRC.ALPHA * BETA) - BLEND_DS_AIB - BLEND(DST, SRC, SRC.ALPHA * (1-BETA)) - BLEND_PS_B - BLEND(PAT, SRC, BETA) - BLEND_PS_IB - BLEND(SRC, PAT, (1-BETA)) If the operation is set to one of the BLEND_* values, blending subpipeline will be active. Otherwise, the bitwise operation subpipeline will be active. For bitwise operation pipeline, RPOP* and ROP* will cause the bitwise operation stage to be enabled with the appropriate options, while the SRCCOPY setting will cause it to be disabled and bypassed. - chroma enable: if this is set to 1, and the bitwise operation subpipeline is active, the color key stage will be enabled - plane mask enable: if this is set to 1, and the bitwise operation subpipeline is active, the plane mask stage will be enabled - user clip enable: if set to 1, the user clip rectangle will be enabled in the clipping stage - destination buffer mask: selects which destination buffers will be written The following options are stored in other PGRAPH registers: - palette bypass bit: determines the value of the palette bypass bit written to the framebuffer - Y8 expand: determines piepline mode used with Y8 source and non-Y8 destination - if set, Y8 is upconverted to RGB and the RGB mode is used, otherwise the index mode is used - dither enable: if set, and several conditions are fullfilled, dithering stage will be enabled - software mode: if set, all drawing operations will trap without touching the framebuffer, allowing software to perform the operation instead The pipeline mode is selected as follows: - if blending subpipeline is used, RGB mode is selected [index blending is not supported] - if bitwise operation subpipeline is used: - if destination format is Y8, indexed mode is selected - if destination format is D1R5G5B5 or D1X1R10G10B10: - if source format is not Y8 or Y8 expand is enabled, RGB mode is selected - if source format is Y8 and Y8 expand is not enabled, indexed mode is selected In RGB mode, the pipeline internally uses 10-bit components. In index mode, 8-bit indices are used. See :ref:`nv1-pgraph` for more information on the configuration registers. Clipping -------- .. todo:: write me Source format conversion ------------------------ Firstly, the source color is converted from its original format to the format used for operations. .. todo:: figure out what happens on ITM, IFM, BLIT, TEX*BETA On NV1, all operations are done on A8R10G10B10 or I8 format internally. In RGB mode, colors are converted using the standard color expansion formula. In index mode, the index is taken from the low 8 bits of the color. :: src.B = get_color_b10(cur_grobj, color); src.G = get_color_g10(cur_grobj, color); src.R = get_color_r10(cur_grobj, color); src.A = get_color_a8(cur_grobj, color); src.I = color[0:7]; In addition, pixels are discarded [all processing is aborted and the destination buffer is left untouched] if the alpha component is 0 [even in index mode]. :: if (!src.A) discard; .. todo:: NV3+ Buffer read ----------- In some blending and bitwise operation modes, the current contents of the destination buffer at the drawn pixel location may be used as an input to the 2d pipeline. .. todo:: document that and BLIT Bitwise operation ----------------- .. todo:: write me Chroma key ---------- .. todo:: write me The plane mask -------------- .. todo:: write me Blending -------- .. todo:: write me Dithering --------- .. todo:: write me The framebuffer --------------- .. todo:: write me NV1 canvas ~~~~~~~~~~ .. todo:: write me NV3 surfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. todo:: write me Clip rectangles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. todo:: write me .. _obj-op: NV1-style operation objects =========================== .. todo:: write me .. _obj-2d: Unified 2d objects ================== .. todo:: write me 0100 NOP [graph/intro.txt] 0104 NOTIFY [G80_2D] [graph/intro.txt] [XXX: GF100 methods] 0110 WAIT_FOR_IDLE [graph/intro.txt] 0140 PM_TRIGGER [graph/intro.txt] 0180 DMA_NOTIFY [G80_2D] [graph/intro.txt] 0184 DMA_SRC [G80_2D] [XXX] 0188 DMA_DST [G80_2D] [XXX] 018c DMA_COND [G80_2D] [XXX] [XXX: 0200-02ac] 02b0 PATTERN_OFFSET [graph/pattern.txt] 02b4 PATTERN_SELECT [graph/pattern.txt] 02dc ??? [GF100_2D-] [XXX] 02e0 ??? [GF100_2D-] [XXX] 02e8 PATTERN_COLOR_FORMAT [graph/pattern.txt] 02ec PATTERN_BITMAP_FORMAT [graph/pattern.txt] 02f0+i*4, i<2 PATTERN_BITMAP_COLOR [graph/pattern.txt] 02f8+i*4, i<2 PATTERN_BITMAP [graph/pattern.txt] 0300+i*4, i<64 PATTERN_X8R8G8B8 [graph/pattern.txt] 0400+i*4, i<32 PATTERN_R5G6B5 [graph/pattern.txt] 0480+i*4, i<32 PATTERN_X1R5G5B5 [graph/pattern.txt] 0500+i*4, i<16 PATTERN_Y8 [graph/pattern.txt] [XXX: 0540-08dc] 08e0+i*4, i<32 FIRMWARE [graph/intro.txt] [XXX: GF100 methods]